Page 3 - Kai from Pi - Spring 2017
P. 3

News & Notes


                       Editor’s Note: Joe was chosen to represent the chapter as Spotlight for
                       his continuous leadership and guidance in Beta Theta Pi and on Indiana
                       University’s campus. As a senior, he held one of the most prestigious
                       positions on campus, being the president of the Board of Aeons. He
                       consistently exemplifies Beta’s core values, and is a role model to all
                       brothers. From the hometown of Fort Wayne, IN, Joe earned his degree
                       this spring in economic consulting & public policy analysis. He served
                       the chapter as former vice president and cycle team captain. Joe has
                       interned as a consultant at Oliver Wyman, and as an investment banking
                       summer analyst at Perella Weinberg Partners.

     What led you to join the Chapter?
      When I came down to campus my freshman year, I
     looked to older members of my scholarship program
     for mentorship. The three I looked up to the most, as
     it happened, were Betas. I admired their maturity,
     intellect,  and campus  leadership  —  and,  really,  I
     just liked spending time with the guys. A few former
     teammates from my high school soccer team were                                with my computer at home, no plans made, and a full
                                                                                   team present — and whenever possible, a few visiting
     Betas, too, and I could tell how much the chapter meant
     to them. My choice was easily made.                                           alumni joining us. Aside from bikes, though, I enjoy
                                                                                   going to concerts, reading, and spending time with a
     Any plans for after graduation?                                               dog my roommates and I adopted from the Humane
      Next fall, I will begin working as a management                              Society this fall.
     consultant  at  Oliver  Wyman  in  the  firm’s  Chicago
     office. Before then, though, I plan to travel Europe with
     a few friends for five weeks this summer. We’ll visit   racing around the track, or sitting around watching race
     Spain, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, and Switzerland,   tape, training for and thinking about the Little 500 was
     before concluding in France to watch Stages 18 and 21   a full-time job. It took me around the country, caused a
     of the Tour de France with Chris Craig ’15, a former   3-centimeter fracture in my collarbone last spring, and
     bike team teammate.                    drove me to my highest-highs and lowest-lows in my
     What was your experience like on the bike team?  time here. Best of all, though, it gave me my closest
                                            friends and my most cherished memories.
      Riding  for  the  bike  team  largely  defined  my
     collegiate experience. It shaped how each day was spent   Outside of school, what do you do for fun?
     — whether we were exploring Bloomington roads,   Cycling, of course, is fun. I love exploring new roads

       TAKING ACTION IN THE COMMUNITY                                                Save   Date

      By Joey Chamness                      These brothers included our newly initiated live-in    ★
        Brothers of the Pi Chapter, thank you so much   advisor, James Thomas, and even a Beta alumnus,
      for  your  support  of  our  first  annual,  “Indiana   Connor Glass ’14. It was a wonderful feeling to not
      University – Betas Go Bald” St. Baldrick’s event.   only raise all that money and awareness for children’s
      Getting college-age kids to want to shave their head   cancer research, but also to have the support from the
      is not an easy sell, even for a fantastic cause such as   brothers who made the difficult choice to go bald.
      this. However, I was overwhelmed by the positive   $21,000 raised from only 13 shavees was quite the
      response  I received  from my  brothers  at  the  Pi   accomplishment and shows all the hard work they
      Chapter, a testament to their selflessness and support.   put in fundraising. Next year I’m planning to put
      Our event was April 1 , and we ended up raising   on an event again so hopefully we can shave more   October 21 st
      over $21,000 and had 13 brothers shave at the event.   heads and raise even more money for children’s   vs. Michigan State
                                            cancer research.
                                                                                          We hope to see you there!

                                                                                     CHAPTER ETERNAL

                                                                                     It is with great sadness that we share the news of
                                                                                         the loss of the following Pi Brothers:
                                                                                           Edwin Parker Hawes ’48
       Joey Chamness set up Beta’s first ever Philanthropy for St. Baldrick’s! 12 of us stepped up and shaved our   Theodore Despos ’62
         heads for Children’s Cancer Research and Awareness. We ended up raising $21,500 for the cause!!

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