Page 2 - Kai from Pi - Spring 2017
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Chapter News
From the Alumni Relations Chairman
Brothers, transition donations to a local charity, the Hoosier On another note, we recently elected our new
After the Pi Chapter Veteran Assistance Fund (HVAF). HVAF’s mission Executive Board at the Pi Chapter. Adam Burnam
returned from spring break, is to provide housing and reintegration services to ’18 is ending his term as the chapter president. He is
everyone was ready to finish veterans experiencing homelessness and administer the former vice president, and last year he was the risk
the semester on a high note. programs and services to prevent at-risk veterans from manager. Nicholas Isaacs ’19 was elected as president
Here is a summary and becoming homeless. If interested, you may visit https:// to start the fall semester. These leaders brought an
the highlights of the spring to donate. Thank you insightful presence to this year’s Keystone Conference
semester! for time and your consistent support of our chapter’s and had a valuable experience.
Most recently, the Pi philanthropy events. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me
Chapter defeated Sigma Chi The fall 2016 pledge class was initiated with 30 with any updates and to stay connected with the house
4-2 for a three-peat in the members. Thank you to all alumni who attended and its current brothers. We would love to welcome you
annual “Dropping the Puck On Cancer” philanthropy the initiation ceremony; it was a special one. Spring back to campus and the house at any time. Thank you
event. In this event, we raise funds and awareness for recruitment wrapped up a few weeks ago. We are for all of your continued support throughout the years.
the American Brain Tumor Association. This year’s thrilled to announce 12 more new members for the In __ kai __ ,
total amount of money raised is still unannounced. spring 2017 pledge class.
On April 1st, we hosted our first ever St. Baldrick’s As mentioned in the last newsletter, the Pi Chapter
event in the Great Hall at the house. The St. Baldrick’s has a live-in director. James Thomas is doing a
Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that raises phenomenal job in leading the house and advising all of Nick Mpistolarides #2961
funds for children’s cancer research. Participants shave the brothers. He was initiated as a “Friend of
their heads in solidarity with children going through Beta” with the fall 2016 pledge class!
chemotherapy and raise money
through a participant page. As of May
8th, the chapter’s goal of $20,000 has
been surpassed! Our top fundraising
participants for the event are Joey
Chamness (first place), Joey Zirille
(second place), and Luke Gibson
(third place). Special thanks to all that
contributed to this worthy cause. With
the new event, we are continuing the
Beta tradition of beating cancer.
On April 15 , we faced off against
Sigma Chi again in the lacrosse-based
philanthropy event Face Off For The
Forces! This year, we are excited to Drop the Puck too! We raised $61,000-plus this year and beat Sigma Chi 4-2.
Fredeick M. Stark Samuel Ketcham Lyon Lucas Schaller
Sam Bennett Reid H. Mahorney Terrence T. Bishop
George Glass Charles Swain Connor Lefelstein
Aaron Nichols Alex Mcnulty Hunter Seabaugh
Joe Laughlin Alec Harris Patrick J. Dorgan
Lake Larson Liam O’brien Andrew Birge
Paul Schneider Mitchell Fennerty Nick DeSanti
Michael L. Sullivan Dylan Rochon William S. Wright
Joseph R. Hanger Caleb Schafer Alex Rodriguez
Will Mather Edwin William Crooks IV Michael Hords
Stuart H. Combs John M. Hyndman Joshua J. Pericht
Andrew Matella Jacob Mark Noeldner Victor Lu
Zachary D. Zlotnick Jacob Flagg