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Fall 2018  |  Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |  770-903-3987
                    A Word               SAVE THE DATE: FOUNDERS DAY WEEKEND 2019

                   from the

                  Chairman                                             JOIN US!
                                                  Annual Founders Day Meeting

     This past summer, our construction                           FEBRUARY 22 & 23, 2019
     committee  officially  handed  over
     the  keys  to  our  new  fraternity  house   Please mark your calendars as we prepare for the greatest gathering in the
     to  the  active  chapter.  This  project,   history of Alpha Epsilon, at which time we will celebrate the founding of our
     which  started  as  an  idea  in  a  small   chapter as well as the dedication of our new chapter house. A block of rooms
     conference  room  at  the  Marriott   has been reserved at the Gainesville Hilton with a group rate of $149 per night.
     Courtyard 10 years ago this February,
     was finally brought to a close on time   FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22       nd
     and on budget.
                                        « Legends of AE Golf Tournament – 10:00 a.m.
     The  conceptual  plan  which  was      Mark Bostick Golf Course at the University of Florida
     developed  at  that  meeting  was  that    « Four-person scramble
     our new chapter house, which would      « Shotgun start at 10:00 a.m.
     house  the  future  legacy  of  Alpha      « $100 per entry. Includes boxed lunch from Gator Dockside.
     Epsilon at UF, had to be a red brick,      Register Now:
     southern colonial mansion with white      All proceeds will go toward the AE Scholarship Fund
     columns  and  accents.  Our  goal  was
     to make this building the focal point of   « Alumni Meet & Greet – 6:00 p.m.
     Fraternity Row. Faced with a number      Hilton Hotel
     of  trials  and  tribulations  over  the
     ensuing  years,  our  team  never  lost      SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23
     sight  of  the  original  plan  which  was   « Annual Founders Day Meeting –12:30 p.m.
     discussed that day many, many years
     ago. Today, “our” fraternity house is, in      « AE Scholarship Awards
     fact, the jewel of the row and the new      « Mr. Alpha Epsilon
     home of Awesome Epsilon.               « AE Hall of Fame
                                            « Alumni Legion Awards
     While  hundreds  of  our  alumni  and
                                            « Special Recognition to the Outgoing Exec Team
     friends teamed together to bring this   « Dedication of the new Chapter House
     project to fruition, I would like to call
     special  attention  to  those  individuals   « Basketball: Florida Gators vs Missouri Tigers – 4:00 p.m.
     who never, ever said no: Bill Charland      The O’Connell Center
     ’82 (AE 1245), Bob Halcrow ’68 (AE
     868),  Mike Hill ’67 (AE 815),  Rick      Complete details to follow: Look for the next Save the Date
     Riisma ’94 (AE 1886), and Tim Rurey
     ’84 (AE 1327).  Without  them,  we   A block of rooms has been reserved at the Gainesville Hilton with a group rate of $149 per
     would never be where we are at today.  night. Go to to make your reservation.

     On  February  22-23,  we  will  be   Group Name: PI KAPPA PHI ANNUAL MEETING-2019
     celebrating  the  95   anniversary  of   Group Code: PKP219
     Alpha Epsilon along with the dedication   Check-in: February 22, 2019    Check-out: February 24, 2019
     of  our  new  chapter  house.  Whether   Hotel Name: Hilton University of Florida Conference Center Gainesville
     you visited the house last weekend or   Hotel Address: 1714 SW 34  Street, Gainesville, Florida 32607
     haven’t  been  back  in  50-plus  years,   Phone Number: 352-371-3600
     there  has  never  been  a  better  time
                                          For those folks who want to call instead of using the link, they will need to use the group code
           Chairman (Continued on page 4)  number.
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