Page 4 - Pi Kapp Gator - Fall 2018
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Alumni Relations Office
                 Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Florida
                 P.O. Box 80828
                 Atlanta, Georgia 30366

        (Continued from page 1)
        to  reconnect  with  your  fraternity.  Our
        goal for this event is simple: to host the
        largest gathering of AE alumni ever. So                                            We are saddened to have learned
                                                                                           of the passing of the following
        please take the opportunity to join us in                                          Alpha Epsilon brothers since the
                                                        AE GATOR CLUB
        Gainesville to reconnect with old friends,                                         last issue of the Pi Kapp Gator.
        and take the opportunity to meet many        NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN!              We extend our sympathies to their
        more you never knew you had.                                                        friends, families, and loved ones.
                                                      Help support all alumni activity.
        My hope is that I will see you there.                                                 Roger Quarles Austin ’52
                                                Nationally recognized AE Scholarship Program
        Fraternally,                             Award-winning AE Communication Program             (AE 475)
                                                    Founders Day and Alumni Activities       Martin Edward Perkins ’52
                                                             Join Now                               (AE 486)
                                                                                             Dave Mundy ’78 (AE 1046)
        Michael L. Sullivan ’68 (AE 886)         Check:   AEHC–AE Gator Club                 Dusty McGee ’79 (AE 1084)
        Chairman                                         c/o M. Montgomery, Treasurer AEHC
        Alpha Epsilon Housing Corporation                4300 Polk Street                   Hollywood, FL 33021                Visit us online at
                                                 PayPal:   AE Gator Club          !

                  Alumni communication services provided by Elevate   |  |  770-903-3987  |          @elevateims
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