Page 2 - Pi Kapp Gator - Fall 2018
P. 2
Archon Report
The highly anticipated
2018 fall semester has just
concluded, and the active
chapter has settled nicely
into the premier fraternity
house at the University of
Florida. Chapter move-in took place on August
15 and since then the executive board—working
closely with our house directors, national
headquarters, and alumni advisors—have
worked diligently to establish a culture and set of
standards that will ensure the upkeep and quality
of our new facility for a very long time. Having a
chapter house once again to serve as a central
location for meals, social events, philanthropy,
tailgates, and brotherhood bonding has been
better than we ever remembered. Thank you to The men of Alpha Epsilon, fall 2018 rush.
all of you who helped to make this dream come in as many ways as we possibly can. Dance intramural success of our chapter is at an all-time
true. Your hard work is very much appreciated. Marathon, Student Government, Senate, Florida high in all fall sports, with AE the favored chapter
Cicerones, Preview Staff, First Year Florida, Gator to bring home the President’s Cup by a decent
The fall semester started off on a very busy note
Growl, The Big Event, and Student Conduct are margin.
with IFC recruitment taking place during the
second week of school. Our Vice Archon, Nick just some of the organizations where we maintain This semester has been off to a strong start and
a strong presence. Special recognition to brother
Zinobile ’15 (AE 2555), working closely with his none of what we have accomplished would be
Trevor Pope ’15 (AE 2566), who is serving
recruitment team, secured a 30-man associate possible without the continued support of our
as the senior class president within Student
member class. Currently, we have 26 young men alumni. As I wind up my term as the archon of
looking to join our chapter and this associate Government, brother Matthew Wolpert ’15 (AE our chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, I look back at the
2570), who is serving as president of the America
member class perfectly represents the chapter’s last year and realize how far we have come as
vision of academic excellence, strong campus Medical Student Association, and brother Ryan an organization and how much has changed. It
Emery ’15 (AE 2561), who is serving as the
involvement, philanthropic effort and, most has been an incredible experience and I want
associate producer of finance for Florida Blue
importantly, striving to be men of character. to thank you all for the support and assistance
Key’s Gator Growl Homecoming.
As a chapter, we have worked feverishly, along the way. I believe our chapter is in a great
Our chapter GPA has maintained its healthy place and I have full confidence in the next
semester after semester, to ensure that AE is well
rank in comparison to other Greek chapters on executive team to continue the strong leadership
represented with numerous leadership positions
campus and we continue to keep our sights we have every year since our re-founding.
across the various organizations supporting
set on the academic success of our members.
the university. With six active brothers currently Regards,
Philanthropic and service efforts continue to be a
in Florida Blue Key and two more tapped this
major focal point, with over five service projects Matt Farah
fall, we are working as hard as ever to serve the
organized over the next couple of months. The
University of Florida and the student population
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Be sure to look for Volume #1 Would you like to make an impact on an active member’s
Issue #1 of the Pi Kapp Gator, life? Make a contribution to the Alpha Epsilon Scholarship
written in 1950! Fund! Checks should be made out to the AE Chapter
Find us on Facebook – search for Investment Fund (memo: Contribution to Scholarship
Pi Kappa Phi – Florida. Follow us on Fund) and mailed to Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters,
Twitter @UFpikapp P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.