Page 3 - Pi Kapp Gator - Fall 2018
P. 3
The Alpha Epsilon Walk
Our Story—Walking Along the
AE Gator Walkway
By Rick Riisma ’94 (AE 1886)
We are very proud to tell the story of our alumni
brotherhood through the
words and inspirations of our
exceptional active brothers,
family members as well as
many friends of Alpha Epsilon.
Can’t think of a better way to
enter into our new chapter
house than by strolling up this
historic walk. Modeled after
the UF Gator Walkway, AE is
the only Pi Kapp Chapter to develop, plan, and
the UF Walkway so we could involve as many
successfully execute such a comprehensive
alumni as possible. We then built a user-friendly
endeavor. This project brought together a
website and developed a strong advertising
significant number of our alumni brothers and
campaign working through Facebook, the Pi
allowed them to share their personal stories,
Kapp Gator, and numerous email blasts.
sports teams, professional companies and
slogans. The project was the inspiration of Steve As usual, these programs require teamwork. So
those of our Founding Fathers, the Stray
Shepherd, and from that special thanks to Bob Halcrow ’68 (AE 868), Brothers, Hall of Famers, as well as a
idea we developed Mike Sullivan ’68 (AE 886), Steve Steinfeld ’86 special tribute to the Teen Timers, all
a business plan that (AE 1484), as well as Gregg LaRoche ’98 (AE
of which has helped to recreate a long-
allowed us to reduce 1982), who came through in a big way to help
lasting testimony to our great fraternity.
the cost of an individual drive this project. With the completion of phase
brick when compared to one, we now have over 400 names, including Phase II will begin in March. Stay tuned!
Veterans Initiative Program
A new program designed to honor able to locate and gather background information on over 150 veteran
those members of Alpha Epsilon who brothers who served our country in the armed forces.
have served in the military has been
established by Rick Riisma ’94 (AE Since the initiation of this project, it has been determined that no other
1886) and Mike Hill ’67 (AE 815). chapter (180-plus) within Pi Kappa Phi has ever pursued an effort to
locate, identify, and memorialize their brothers in such a momentous
According to the National Office, AE way. I recommend that each and every brother who visits the new
will be the first chapter to implement house stop, by the chapter room and view this Wall of Honor.
such a program. So far, our team has
identified 150 brothers who served our As with every project, the
country and their name and branch of committee is quite sure that
service is recognized on an individual we were unable to locate and
nameplate. Rick and Mike are joined identify every veteran, so the
by Floyd Hershberger of BJ wall still has room for alumni
When the active chapter moved into Trophies.
the new house they noted a number identified by family, friends of Pi
Kapps, and brothers who might
of new additions to AE’s collection
have been inadvertently left off
of memorabilia, but one of the most unique was the Wall of Honor.
the list. Should anyone note any
This impressive wall mounted dedication to the veterans of Alpha
omissions to this project, please
Epsilon is the centerpiece in the chapter/dining room of our newly
contact either Rick Riisma,
constructed fraternity house. Over the last three-plus years, a small, or Mike Hill,
group of dedicated brothers, led by Rick Riisma ’94 (AE 1886) (Navy)
and Mike Hill ’67 (AE 815) (Army) that included Skip Fink ’69 (AE, so that Brian Hershberger of BJ Trophies
888) (Marines), Felix Haynes ’67 (AE 813) (Army), Bill Thorpe ’80 their names can be included in and Rick Riisma.
next update to the wall!
(AE 1107) (Air Force), and Joe McGrail ’65 (AE 773) (Army), were