Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2006-07
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                SIGMA CHI

           Jack Davis '56
           (847) 358-8379
           Jcd                                         December 2006
           Vice President
           Steve Sarovich 75              II~                ~P~R=ES~I~D~EN~T~'S~R~E~P~O~RT~~II
           (630) 961-9409
                        Board Members Serve Vital Role of Mentors to
           Secretary                        Undergraduate       Chapter with Goal to Bring Cornerstone
           Steve Thayer '88                             Mentoring Program to Kappa Kappa
           (630) 455-9771
                    Sprinkler System is Installed without Any Loss in Cosmetic Value
                                                                    By Jack Davis '56, President
           Eric Rahn 75                   As noted in this issue of the Illinois Sig, Kappa  through mentoring.  It is with great pleasure
           (847) 295-2334
          Kappa celebrated is 12yh Reunion September  that I am able to tell you that this goal is
                                          15-16. Although the football game did not  being met. Mentoring young members is a
           Illinois Sig Editor            meet our satisfaction, the Reunion was an  vital function of our fraternity and while I
           Don Williams '88               overwhelming  success. In all, there were  believe we have made great strides towards
           (630) 279-4747                 more than 300 in attendance  at the Saturday  meeting our goal, our ultimate goal is to bring
              night banquet. Undergraduate  attendance  and  the Cornerstone  Mentoring  Program to the
                                          participation  were outstanding.  The Reunion  Central Illinois Province and Kappa Kappa.
           Scholarship & University       was chaired by Ryan Griffin '05 and I would  You will hear more about mentoring  and the
           Relatig~               _    -  like to express.the thanks of the Kappa Kappa-  Cornerstone-Program  in-£lltm~issu,"s of th<:--
          William T. McKinzie '81         alumni and undergraduate  members to Ryan  Illinois Sig.
           Robert Dauphinais  '97
                                          for his efforts. During the banquet, Ryan  Finally, the much discussed fire sprinkler
           Property Plant & Equipment     was awarded a much deserved Grand Consul  system has been installed and accomplished
           Paul Bateman '03               Citation.                             without any loss of the cosmetic values of the
          Todd Kalesperis '95                Listed in this issue are the current officers  property.  Another large "thank you" should go
           Eric Rahn 75                   of the Kappa Kappa House Corporation  along  to Paul Bateman  '03 and Eric Rahn '75 for
                                          with the various committees.  One of the  their efforts in this project and also to Rod
          Alumni Relations                goals of the House Corp. Board of Directors  Reid '75 (Beta Omicron)  who was the architect
           Peter F.Steger 79              is to have an increased level of support and  on the project.
                                          direct contact with the undergraduate  chapter
           Undergraduate  Relations
           Ryan Griffin '05
          Adam Miller'03
                                                 Well On Our Way to Surpassing Last Year's Annual
          Chapter Advisor
          Val C. Simhauser 76                                           Giving Total!
           Mark V.Anderson 77               The Kappa Kappa Corporation  of Sigma Chi would like to thank the 194 generous
           Robert A. Cagann '61             alumni who contributed  over $23,000 to our 2005-06 annual fund, which ended on
           Bradley M. Dorchinecz '92        August 31. Our new giving year kicked
          James Hall 76                     off on September  1 and already we have      Annual Fund Results
           Brent Schutte '96                raised over $10,000 from the following
                                            donors! Help us kick off the new giving
           Director Emeritus                year and add your name to our honor  $25,000
          *Paul E.Hamer'45                  roll of donors (listed on our website)
          Wesley E.Lindberg '57             by making your gift today. Make your  "'.000 ~            .,  ~.
           Merrill E.Prichard '48           donation online at  or  $5,000
          John Wunderlich  77                                                   $0
                                            by calling our toll-free donation hotline  2002-03  2003-04  2004-05  2005-06 Sofar this
           *Recently deceased               at (800) 975-6699.                                                year

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