Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2006-07
P. 3

CONSUL REPORT                                      ItHAPTER         OFFICER$I

           Fall Semester Brought 28 New Pledges, 13 New Initiates,
          $19,000 for Children's Miracle Network and 12S Reunion                        Consul
                                                                                        Peter Steger II '08
                                  By Peter F.Steger II,Consul
                                                                                        Pro Consul
        The fall semester has been one of great  tournament  run by Kappa Alpha Theta   Joe Stafford '08
        success for Kappa Kappa.  Recruitment  as their philanthropy  event. Sigs also
        went very well as we introduced  28 pledges  mustered up a 2nd place finish in Alpha Chi  Annotator
        as the class of2010.  The 125 th  Reunion  Omega's philanthropy  Camp Alpha Chi.  Drew Michalak '08
        was a great success as the chapter welcomed  Indoctrination  Week for the pledge class of
        back Sigs from all                                    2009.5 was the week       Magister
        generations.  The week  "The 125 Reunion was a great  of October 22-28          Adam Shalapin '08
        of September 24-29   success as the chapter welcomed  and we welcomed
        was Derby Days and                                     13 new brothers into     Quaestor
                                                                                        Allen Cullinan '08
        thanks to the help of  back Sigs from all generations."  Sigma Chi.
        all 13 sororities, local                                 We had our             Kustos
        businesses and of course alumni donations  Riverboat Exchange on November z= with  Mike Hedge '09
        we were able to raise around $19,000 for  Gamma Phi Beta which was a whole lot of
        Children's Miracle Network, topping last  fun. Overall, things are looking very good  Scholarship  Chairs
        year's mark!                         here at 410.  In addition to our philanthropic  Carmen Rossi '06
           In October, Sigs took 2 nd  and 3 place  and social activities, we have had great success  Jason Detweiler '08
        in Theta Hoops, which is a basketball  in both athletics and academics.
                                                                                        Social Chairs
                                                                                        Colin Abert '08
                        Welcome to our '10 Pledge Class                                 Brian Scott '06

         Jared Abert       Joe Holloran      Sam Phelps        Jesse Stumpf             Steward
         Believille,IL     St. Louis, MO     Lake Forest, IL   Columbia,IL              Dan Moeller '06
         Paul Blasco       John Kobiljak     Colin Porter      Peter Terracciano        Rush Chairs
         Glenview,IL       Elmhurst,IL       Homer Glenn, IL   Briarcliff Manor, NY     Colin Abert '08
         Mike Esposito     Nick Lagattuta    Jamie Ruben       Pat Tobin                Nick O'Brien '08
         Elmhurst,IL       Park Ridge, IL    'park Ridqe.ll,   Itasca,IL               John Vitols '09
         Pat Etchingham    Mike Lane         Louis Salvino     Jerry Vassalla II        Andrew Sullivan '09
         Arlington Heights, IL  Peoria,IL    Melrose Park, IL  Downers Grove, IL        Mark Rollings '08
         Eric Follmer      Ryan Leahy        Aaron Self        Mike Virgilio            House Manager
         Urbana,lL         Itasca,IL         Long Grove, IL    Bloomingdale,lL
                                                                                        Chad Lewis '08
         Pat Gale          Matt Malone       Scott Shapiro     Eric Weisheit
         Crest Hill, IL    Kempton,IL        Glenview,lL       Park Ridge, IL           Ritual Chairs
         Mike Hallahan     Tom Moore         Jeff Sindelar                              Rob Strozak '08
         Elmhurst,IL       Lake Zurich, IL   LaGrange,IL                                John Hadley '06
                           Matt Parenti      Scott Spinney                             Tribune
                           Park Ridge, IL    Winnetka,lL                                Rob Main '09

                                                                                        Philanthropy  Chairs
        III~                 ~N~E~W~I~N~IT~IA~J~ES~~III                                 Frank Styzek '08.5
                                                                                        Matt Christensen '09
                          Congratulations to our New Initiates
        Andy Johnson '08.5       David Bernbaum '09.5    Ryan Zaglama '09.S             Sean Dunn '09
        Lake Forest,IL           Western Springs, IL     Naperville,IL
        Vladmir Vranes '08.5     Eric Barrata '09.5      Drew Rasmussen '09.S           Risk Manager
        Hinsdale,IL              Frankfort,IL            St.Charles,IL                  Mike Hedge '09
        Tony Piscopo '09         Dave Cosentino '09.5    Jim Schlegel '09.S
        Naperville,IL            Tinley Park,IL          Tinley Park,IL                 House Improvement  Chair
                                                                                        Pat Horbas '08.5
        Matt Briskin '09         Dave Mesri '09.5        Joe Walsh '09.5
        Champaign,IL             Urbana,IL               LaGrange,IL
        Mike Lapato '09.5        Ryan DiGiovanni '09.S
        Lisle,IL                 Mokena,IL
         The Illinois Sig                 Visit us on the web:                                3
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