Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2006-07
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Significant Ken West's friend and fellow Significant He treasured this honor the rest of his
Sig and Sig, Dick Cline '57 provide the text life because he loved the ideals his
International of his comments from West's memorial fraternity stood for and the friendships he
Balfour Award service held on May 23, 2006: made there.
winner B. In college, Ken was a standout Now, St. Peter is in for a surprise.
Kenneth guy and a natural leader. He was fun When he opened the pearly gates, I'll bet
West '55 but knew when to be serious - he he didn't know that, in college, Ken was
passed away was confident, bright as they come, our Sigma Chi song leader. It won't be
on May 13, a cheerleader for everyone - he was long before Ken will gather all the Illinois
2006. After outspoken for doing the right thing and Sigs in the chapter eternal on an orange
attending the doing it the right way. and blue cloud and get them booming out
University of Illinois, West served in the our old fraternity songs. (The Sweetheart
By the end of his junior year, Phi Beta
U.S. Navy. He joined Harris Bank in I of Sigma Chi will be great - but our
Kappa inducted Ken as a member, the
1957 where he worked for 38 years. After rowdy songs will need a bit of editing to
Illinois golf team named him captain, and
his retirement in 1993, he joined TIAA-
Sigma Chi elected him president. Those go with the harp.)
CREF and served on the boards of several
were times of universal military service As Ken's career grew, he never forgot
- most of the men were in ROTC. The his fraternity brothers. But his vision of
West earned his MBA from the Navy ROTC unit named Ken student "brotherhood" was larger than just his
University of Chicago. Later, the commander, one of the most prestigious fraternity. It was everyone he touched
University awarded him an Honorary leadership roles on campus. It seemed - friends, young people he helped along,
Doctor of Law Degree and a Ken was asked to give direction and associates in business and community
Distinguished Alumnus Award. West leadership to everything he did. He made service. For Ken, we all were brothers,
was a Director and Chairman of the a difference by what he did, who he was, members of his family. That made Ken
University of Illinois Foundation and and by setting the pace you aspired West the friend we love and leaves with us
received the Alumni Achievement Award to follow. the memories we treasure.
from U ofI in 1990. West was also
Sigma Chi has a special honor. Ken
instrumental in_th~rebuilding campaign won the- International-Balfour Award in: Complete obituary and text of Brorher
for 410 E. John in 1996. Cline's comments are available on our
1955 based on his scholarship, campus
The Illinois Sig is fortunate to have leadership, fraternity service and character. website
Paul E. Hamer '46, devoted to family, death. He was a member of the Board Richard A. Fuller '66 entered the
legal principles, and his Fraternity, of Directors of Kappa Kappa Chapter Chapter Eternal on May 6. He was 62
succumbed to heart disease on April 15. including terms as Vice President and years old. Fuller worked for United Press
He was 81. He is survived by his wife, Secretary. Paul received the Charles A. International in Springfield and Chicago
June, five children, nine grandchildren, Kiler Award for lifelong service to the where he covered the Chicago Seven trial.
and two great-grandchildren. chapter in 1991. He did research on Civil In 1972 he joined the staff of Newsweek
He had a broad education earning War Sigs and published several articles on magazine where he worked until 1991.
separate bachelor degrees in civil the subject. He also aided the Fraternity Fuller was the co-author of two books,
engineering, economics and industrial in the maintenance of mortgage files. Charlie Company: What Viet Nam Did to
engineering at Illinois and a Law Degree Us and The Quest for the Presidency 1984.
F. Waldo Roth '51, long active in real
from DePaul University's. Between his Fuller was well known in journalism
estate and property development, died
educational pursuits, Paul served as a circles as the young newsman who
on January 9, 2006. He was 78. He and
Navy corpsman attached to the U.S. reported the story in 1970 of the death
his wife Shirley had lived in Plantation,
Marines in World War II and the of the powerful Illinois politician
Korean War. Paul Powell and the closet in Powell's
A Life Loyal Sig, "Wally" was active in Springfield hotel room that contained
From the mid '60's into the '70's,
the Ft. Lauderdale Alumni chapter where shoeboxes and other containers that held
Brother Hamer was Village Attorney for
Wheeling, Illinois. Later he held the he was an officer for several years. He was over $800,000 in cash. Fuller retired as
also a regular at Kappa Kappa Chapter vice president of media relations for Avis
same post for Brookfield, Illinois. He also
maintained a private law practice for more reunions. He frequently entertained with Rent-A-Car in 2001.
his enthusiastic singing and AI Jolson
than 40 years .. Fuller Obituary is reprinted from the
impersonations. His Jolson act landed Magazine of Sigma Chi.
As an undergraduate, Paul was a him a winner's spot on the very popular
multi-year letterman as a two-mile runner Horace Heidt radio program while he was
and a member of the I Men's Club. He an undergraduate. He was the weekly
continued his Fraternity service until his winner on more than one occasion.
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