Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2006-07
P. 4
Speaker at the Anniversary Celebration on September 16 th •••continuedfrompage2
I had members in the fraterniry who put their of our formal education, graduation, it's called consistent well supported mentors at the local
arm around my shoulder and said, "Mark, you "COMMENCEMENT" or the beginning level to provide advice and counsel to chapters
are in college now, you need to attend to our of our continued education. Then we can and individual members.
study tables." look forward to a future of new ideas, new With the training we provide, we have an
Of course, there were many factors that discovery, and a full life. obligation to share our knowledge, leadership,
assist in the matriculation process but for To live means to recognize that anything and spirit with the global communiry. This
me, I feel that Sigma Chi was a huge main is possible. This is what Sigma Chi taught me. is because indeed eventually, inevitably, our
differentiator. To live means to be an explorer rather than members, YOU, will change the world!
What I want to speak about today a tourist. This is what Sigma Chi taught me. I feel blessed to have become a Sigma Chi
however, is about the greatest lesson Sigma As collegians and even more so as Sigma and am indebted to the people who got me
Chi taught me. That and like most everything Chis, we are a privileged few. We have a here. Brothers like Steve Sarovich '75, my
else in Sigma Chi, it is something that I responsibiliry to think and act globally. Recruitment Chairman who showed me his
am still learning. I hope too that my story Chancellor Herman stresses excellence interest in my joining; George Turner '75,
resonates with others here tonight. my Magister who taught me about Sigma Chi
in education, scientific and intellectual
Sigma Chi taught me to LIVE rather innovation, diversiry, engagement with societal (and the training tables I mentioned earlier);
than to EXIST. Our ritual gave me a set of needs, and internationalizing the education Jack Davis '56, President of the Kappa
values -- a roadrnap, and an EXPECTATION of students. Kappa House Corporation who is not only
that whatever I decided to be or do, I would a good friend but a former employer; Bob
In Sigma Chi, we embrace all of this as
endeavor to be the best, to give it my all. we continue to stress our fundamental values, Stone '51, member of the Foundation Board
of Governors who is a mentor to me, ever
So who is Sigma Chi, who conveyed and our vision is to become the preeminent
beyond what he knows; Jim Hall '76 who is
these lessons? leadership development organization on
a great friend and current Risk Management
Who is Sigma Chi? YOU, ME, US! And as college campuses.
Foundation Board member; Boz Prichard '48,
iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another. So today, within Sigma Chi, we are
another great Sigma Chi friend and mentor
Though our experiences with one another implementing leadership development to me.
in Sigma Chi, we are tested until we learn who programs like Horizons where we immerse Thank you Kappa Kappa Chapter and
we are. Then there is harmony between what our students in real life, whole-brain . ethical ate rot ers, w 0 lor 125 years h ave an d
II h B
we think, what we feel, what we say and what leadership skill development expenences . ~1," _ L. . 1 bal
-~e d~-.We in essence become authentic w~it'h----w'hr-e-r-e-w--'e'--e~ngag~tile mind and body of-o-u-r-- COlltUlll~OJ~:t~l.~gum:a~ _~1LO_~Lg~ -
ourselves. b commulllry. ere s to t e lllverslry 0
young mem ers. Illinois who has hosted us, let us all raise a
Combine this authenticity with a formal And Cor.ner~tone .our Alumni ~raining glass in toast to the continuing harmony,
education from the Universiry of Illinois and Progra~ which IS.designed to pro~l~e our friendship, and brotherhood we share though
the result is a powerful symbiotic relationship Alumni leaders WIth tools and trammg to the life lessons we have been taught and teach
that provides the key to unlock true lifelong efficiently and effectively support our chapters others. May our future be worthy of our
learning as full human beings. At the and guide our undergraduates. Through dreams. God bless and God speed.
Universiry of Illinois, when we get to the end this program we wish to provide sustained
Nation's Largest Medical ALUMNI UPDATES
School Honors Sig Professor Jack W. Ullemeyer '59
Reprint from the Magazine of Sigma Chi '40s (1506 32nd Avenue, Rock Island,
At a recent convocation of the Universiry of Illinois Merrill Prichard' 48 IL 61201-6129;
I sincerely believe that a fire sprinkler
College of Medicine, Dr. Loren D. Whittaker Jr. (8090 N. Casas Cameo, Tucson,
'59 was honored with the Faculry of the Year Award. AZ 85742-9781) I have made fairly system is long over due at 410 E John
Dean Joseph Flaherty cited Whittaker's "long-term substantial gifts to the Kappa Kappa St. Please allocate the funds for that
dedication to the College and the exceptional Scholarship Fund annually and intend purpose only until the system meets all
breadth of [his] teaching and service achievements." to give to the KK Foundation this year. requirements.
The Illinois College of Medicine is the nation's
largest medical school, with more than 1,200 '50s Calvin Wessman '58
medical students and 3,700 faculry. Currently,
Whittaker serves as director of the medical school Alan Macdonald Jr. '50 (553 Promontory Dr E, Newport Beach,
surgical curriculum at the Peoria, Illinois campus. (27101 Lost Lake Lane, Bonita Springs, CA 92660-7455) Honory Chairman
He joined the faculry in 1971. During his FL 34134-2635; Republican National Business Council.
undergraduate days, Whittaker was the KK Chapter My wife of 58 years, Shirley A. Business man of Cheyear California
Consul, recipient of the Illinois-Wisconsin Province Macdonald, passed away May 22, 2006. Republican National Business Council.
Balfour Award, captain of the swim team and an
4 Visit us on the web: December 2006