Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2006-07
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Despite Fighting lIIini Loss, All Who Participated in Our 12S Anniversary Enjoyed
a Wonderful Weekend of Celebration
Weekend Festivities were a Mix of Social and Ceremonial Events
By Ryan Griffin '05
The 125'h Anniversary was a mix of
social events and ceremony. Former Consul
Wayne VonderHeide '07 and Pro-Consul
Michael Jacobsen '07 performed an
outstanding mock investiture for a chapter
room full of brothers. From there, friends
and family headed to the football stadium to
cheer on the Fighting Illini. Although our
team was not victorious, brothers of all ages
enjoyed the familiar sites and sounds around
Memorial Stadium. Ben C.Fisher speaks at the 12s th
Anniversary Celebration in September.
Following the tough loss, brothers
Pete Steger, Amy Cimmarusti, and Cameron and family were treated to food and Program while Mark Anderson '77, current
Gunderson enjoy the festivities. entertainment back at 410. The Universiry Sigma Chi Fraternity Executive Secretary,
This September, scores of Kappa Kappa Sigs of Illinois Steel Band played an energetic, shared some of his favorite Kappa Kappa
made their way to Champaign to celebrate upbeat musical set under the parking lot moments.
the chapter's 125 rh Anniversary. With the tent. As people made their last visits through The evening appropriately came ro a
house at 410 East John Street sparkling, the halls of the chapter house, set-up was close following a moving speech by our
brothers came to see old friends and relive underway for the celebratory banquet at the keynote speaker, the University of Illinois
their collegiate experience. For some, the Illini Union. Chancellor Richard Herman. (Richard's
time since their last visit was days or weeks, With Bill McKinzie '81 as Master of speech is available on our alumni website
and for-ethers it-had been-deeades. ~~-'Gereffionies,-0ver-2-7-5-pe0f>le made their notable knowledge
Mother Nature cooperated to allow for a way into the Illini Union Ballroom to honor of the chapter's history complemented his
great weekend of festivities. Friends and family Kappa Kappa brothers and celebrate the future vision for the Universiry of Illinois.
gathered at the chapter house on Friday evening historic occasion. Andrew Deutsch '06, the As Russell "Ruck" Steger '50 joked, the
to kick-off the weekend. The undergraduates newly honored Ben C. Fisher Scholar, began only thing that is missing from (he U of I
welcomed alumni and family into (he cocktail the dinner with the Sigma Chi Grace. Boz these days is a winning football team. All
parry, which continued well into the night as Prichard '48 was honored by Ben C. Fisher '48 kidding aside, (he Chancellor's speech was a
jovial conversation filled the air. for his commitment to the Fraterniry Archive perfect closing to a remarkable weekend.
Executive Secretary of Sigma Chi, Mark Anderson '77,
What are you missing spoke at the Kappa Kappa 12S Anniversary Celebration
by not logging onto on September 16 th
Following is Mark's speech. I graduated from a high school that no
• More pictures &om our
125 th Anniversary Welcome Brothers, Sweethearts, and Guests. longer exists and was not known as the college
preparatory high school where I grew up. It
Wow. Kappa Kappa is 125 years young.
• Remarks by Chancellor Richard was the "teach them a trade, get (hem on the
Herman &om our 125th Anniversary Tonight we come together to reflect on streets" high school. There were five from my
Celebration (he past, recognize our present, and focus
on the future. On --------------- class of 800 that came
• A profile of Significant Sig Jon Anda behalf of Sigma Chi "To live means to be an explorer to the Universiry of
International, Grand rather than a tourist. This is what Illinois. A( (he end of
• New Message Boards Consul Keith Krach, Sigma Chi taught me." the first semester, there
and President of Sigma remained three and
• Preserving a Legacy campaign at the end of the first
information Chi Foundation, John
Peterson, I bid you greetings. As (he festivities year, I was the only
·..And more! Remember, the successof our have progressed this weekend, I hope you have one left. The difference, I joined Sigma Chi.
alumni website relies on you to stay active. all taken the chance to share a Sigma Chi story I was recruited as a high school senior and
Log on today. with another. Let me tell you just one of my moved into the house as an incoming freshman
student. I didn't know how to srudy but luckily
Sigma Chi stories.
(Continued on Page 4)
2 Visit us on the web: December 2006