Page 2 - Illinois Sig - Spring 2016
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Chapter News

From the Chapter President

            Dear Alumni,                                   who shows high                                 projects are getting our kitchen painted with
                                                           levels of chapter                              the Sigma Chi letters, new lighting outside
        This past year has been a                          involvement and                                our house, and a fully furnished computer/
                         great success for Kappa           commitment. We                                 study room in the basement with high tech
                    Kappa. We capped off the               awarded Eric                                   monitors. We hope to see many of you pass
                    year by initiating another             Meyer ’85 the first                            through the Sigma Chi house next year. Have
                    nine deserving brothers in             annual award and                               a great summer.
                    the spring, which means that           we are looking                                 In Hoc Signo Vinces,
                    the entire 2019 graduating             forward to this
                    class is the largest one in the        award growing                                  Vito Cali ’17
history of Kappa Kappa. One of the main goals              over the years.
we set at the beginning of the school year was
improving our chapter’s overall GPA.                         I am extremely
  I am extremely proud to announce we                      happy of our
jumped eleven spots on the Interfraternity                 chapter’s improvement and current position
Council ranks, and Sigma Chi’s GPA is                      here at the University of Illinois. We met
above both the all Greek average and all male              every single one of the goals we set at
average here at the University of Illinois. Our            the beginning of the year, and our new
brothers are also proud of our seniors that                executive committee is working on setting
graduated this past weekend who will take                  new ones for next year. One of our goals is
their skills they learned here on campus into              to have a successful Derby Days in the fall
the working world. They have left a lasting                and donate money to both the Children’s
legacy on this house and will be remembered                Miracle Network and the Huntsman Cancer
for years to come. This spring, our chapter                Foundation. We are also confident our chapter
has started the annual Benjamin Piatt Runkle               will win a Peterson Award next year. We have
award which commemorates an alumnus                        raised enough money throughout the year to
                                                           help us fund new projects. Some of these

       The 3rd Annual BDS                                                              ΣΧ
Memorial Scholarship Golf Outing
                                                                                              Send Us Your
The Bradley David Stock Memorial Scholarship Committee                                          Referrals!
       is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual BDS Memorial
       Scholarship Golf Outing. All Sigma Chi brothers are                            We’re making an effort to make it easier for you to
invited to join us on Friday, September 16, 2016 at Ruffled                                  refer a potential new member. Visit our website
Feathers Golf Course in Lemont, IL for an afternoon of golf,                          at
food and fun! This event is held to honor the memory of Brother                       to check out the new Rush Referral section.
Brad Stock ’13 who passed away in December 2013, with all
                    proceeds going towards a scholarship for a current undergraduate    Simple look for “make a referral using this link”
Brad Stock ’13 member of the house who is in need of financial assistance             on the bottom right of the page in order to be directed
                                                           and exemplifies            to the recommendation page. This information
                                                           the characteristics        will be passed along to the Rush Committee
                                                           that made Brad an          via our Account Manager, Kasey Breedlove, at
                                                           outstanding fraternity We look forward to
                                                           member and brother.        meeting the people that you send our way!
                                                           In just the past two
                                                           years the event has
                                                           raised nearly $10,000
                                                           and hopes to continue
                                                           that success this year.
                                                           For registration
                                                           information please
                                                           contact  Rob
                                                           Christenson ’13,
                                                           Outing Chair, at rob.
                                                           com. We hope to see
           The 2013 pledge class celebrates the inaugural  you all in September!

2 golf outing in September 2014!
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