Page 3 - Illinois Sig - Spring 2016
P. 3

Peter PanosChapter Spotlight:

                                           Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as
                                           Spotlight is Sophomore Peter Panos. From
                                           the hometown of Munster, IN, Peter is working
                                           toward a degree in accounting at Illinois and
                                           would like to earn his CPA. He has served
                                           the chapter as Assistant Magister, and is the
                                           current Risk Manager. On campus, Peter is
                                           a member and new member educator of Phi
                                           Gamma Nu, a business fraternity. He is also
                                           a member of Illinois Business Consulting on
                                           campus. Last summer, he worked at Busey
                                           Bank as a Wealth Management intern.
                                           Recently retired from Club Soccer after a
                                           back injury, he gives his free time to Habitat
                                           for Humanity. For fun, Peter enjoys running,
                                           playing racquetball, and discovering new
                                           music and movies.

What led you to join Sigma Chi?            from my internship was being able to                  (Pictured left to right) Peter with his pledge brothers
                                           meet other working professionals. It was           Michael Heiser and Kevin Palmer at a brotherhood event.
  One of the main reasons I chose to       a great experience to be able to get away
join Sigma Chi was because of the initial  from the bubble of a college campus and            fraternity, Phi Gamma Nu, is whenever
feeling I had when I came to all the rush  see what it is like in the real world. I also      we go volunteer at Habitat for Humanity.
events. The brothers in the house made     really benefitted from being able to ask           Our organization often invests time into
it evident that rush was something they    anyone I worked with almost about any              volunteering for this organization, and due
enjoyed to do rather than looking at it    question I could ever have, which lead to          to this we were given an opportunity to go
as a chore. When I would bring up the      the advancement of my business acumen
possibility of exploring other options     and my understanding of the financial                               down the Vero Beach, Florida
and houses on campus, the members of       world as well.                                                      this past spring break to
Sigma Chi all had a really great attitude                                                                      participate in building a home
about letting me explore my options,       How did you become involved                                         and help out around one of the
giving me the opportunity to make the      with Habitat for Humanity?                                          largest Habitat for Humanity
best decision for myself.                                                                                      Restore warehouses in the
                                             One event I always make sure to sign                              country. When down there,
When did you discover a passion            up for within my professional business                              we stayed in one of the
for accounting?                                                                                                Habitat built homes, which
                                                                                                               really allowed for a well-
  Growing up I was always                                                                                      rounded experience.
interested in understanding
the core concepts of                                                                                         After this semester
business inside and out.                                                                                     wraps up, how will you
My family members are all                                                                                    spend your summer?
involved in business and
I have always had an itch                                                                                         This summer I plan on
to learn more about how a                                                                                      staying in Champaign, IL to
business works and what                                                                                        take a few classes online and
goes on behind the scenes.                                                                                     work for my uncle. This will
As soon as I started taking                                                                                    help me get ahead with some
my accounting classes here                                                                                     of my general education
and began to understand                                                                                        requirements and get some
the “language” of the                                                                                          more experience under
profession I knew I needed                                                                                     my belt. Outside of this, I
to learn more. I look                                                                                          look forward to attending
forward to continuing to                                                                                       a couple of concerts and
expand upon my knowledge                                                                                       being able to go home for a
within this particular field                                                                                   few weeks and spend time
to become the best possible                                                                                    with my family.
businessman I can be in the
future.                                                                                                                                      3

What did you enjoy                         Peter with his spring 2015 pledge class brothers.
about your internship
with Busey Bank?

  I would have to say
what I really enjoyed most
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