Page 6 - Illinois Sig - Spring 2016
P. 6
Prchal Housing(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1)
What has been the most exciting project
that you have worked on so far?
Christopher on Oxygen Network’s Killerpost. I’ve been really lucky to work on some New countertops in the kitchen.
awesome projects thus far. Apart from the Steve
to land my first agent. I started auditioning Harvey commercial that kept me laughing for New hardwood floors in the dining hall.
for commercials and television, booked a the next week, I’ve also gotten to be on some
couple of commercials, and then moved out cool television shows. A few months ago I ♦♦ We will be busy this summer working
to LA in May of 2015. was on an episode of a new series on Oxygen on house improvements. We hope to
Network. I played a guy who did some bad get the “computer room” converted into
How did you relocate from Chicago to LA? things and was quite the character. I got to a group study room with many of the
film down in Tennessee for five days and work latest technology! Also, we are working
I made the roughly 2,000-mile trek from with some truly awesome people. I would say on a small study room on the third floor.
Chicago to LA in my Chevy with my one of my the most exciting though would have to be the Be on the lookout for a request for donations
pledge brothers, Michael Rozum ’13. We split episode of Chicago Fire that I filmed recently. to fund these two projects. More to follow
it up into three days and made some great stops My family is a huge fan of all the Dick Wolf in upcoming correspondence.
along the way. Definitely a trip to remember. shows and to be on a show that my family and
I always watch was pretty neat. I also got to act ♦♦ We approved a new Scholarship program
opposite two series regulars that are really great for the house which will require minimum
and one of whom I actually grew up watching. GPAs for members which will help instill the
importance of scholarship. We have worked
Do you have the opportunity to visit with What does an average day look like for hard with the Fisher Scholar, Jake Forby
any of your Sigma Chi brothers today? you now? and past Fisher Scholar, Joe Perozzi, on this
program – thank you both for your efforts.
I will say it is difficult with work to get out Crazy – haha. No two days are ever the same
and see my brothers. Living 2,000 miles away and I often don’t know my schedule for the next ♦♦ The Consul position is now a yearlong
and having a very unpredictable/hectic work day. It is not too uncommon to get a phone call commitment which will help our continuity
schedule makes it especially hard. I try to fly and then have to catch a flight the next day or even of leadership
back to Chicago every couple of months to that night. Things are hectic, but it’s exciting.
♦♦ Mike Bellah is on our Board and will be
see my family and always make sure I make Outside of work, what do you do for fun? overseeing the Rush Program
time to hang out with all my fraternity brothers
as well. They’re a great group of guys and Outside of my work, I like to relax when ♦♦ Tom Munger ’13 and the Board are just
whenever we hang out, it’s just like old times I can. I love being with my family and friends. about there in launching our new web site to
all over again. I love it. My same pledge brother I enjoy reading and also any chance to be be followed up with more social media
Michael Rozum actually surprised me and flew outside (which in LA is pretty often with the
out to LA at the last minute a couple of weeks awesome weather). Being a Midwest kid, ♦♦ Our financial position has become stronger and
ago. My episode of Chicago Fire was airing on I love running on the beach since it’s all new to more efficient thanks to Farah Williams ’01
NBC and he refused to have me watch it alone. me. I also enjoy hiking in the canyons in LA.
He flew in that night, we watched it, and then ♦♦ Jason Detweiler ’08 is the like the
he left at 6am the next morning to get back to What advice can you provide the alumni “Eveready battery” – keeps on going, going,
Med School. What a guy. and young actives about pursing their goals? and going! His tireless efforts on maintaining
our property has been unbelievable.
Tell me about your first significant acting job? I would say don’t be afraid to go for it. Be
smart and practical with your finances, timelines, ♦♦ We will be formulating a Cap-Ex program
I was fortunate enough that essentially etc. But don’t be afraid to do something even if it in the next year
right after graduation I booked a big national is out of the norm or not what everyone around
you is doing. Also, work really hard. It sounds ♦♦ We will be meeting with the undergrad
ΣΧcommercial opposite Steve Harvey. It was members this summer to plan ahead!
my first SAG job and that man is absolutely simple, but one of the things I’ve learned thus far
hilarious. We couldn’t stop cracking up in is there is no substitute for hard work. Also, be a Your House Corp. President,
between takes. good person – I think that’s important in any field.
Peter Steger ’79
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