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Andrew R. Madigan            Ralph P. Melbourne                   Mrs. K. Dane Brooksher*                  Mrs. C. Bruce McLagan**
Sandra P. Manne              Michael J. Miller                    Erin Brown-Carter                        Peggy Meagher
Michael L. Matthys           Greg Norwell                         Mrs. Dean L. Buntrock*                   Mrs. Frederick C. Meyers*
Bruce F. McKenzie            Elliott N. Otis                      Melissa L. Canning                       Susan Mogab*
Michael McMahan              James J. Otis, Jr.                   Mrs. Gregory Cappelli                    LMorrsi.MJoohnntaRn.aM**oore+
Randolph Stuart Miles        Nancy Jo Peters                      Tiffany Carter                           Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy
Sandra Goeken Miles          William K. Platt, M.D., D.Sc.        Christine M. Castellano                  Michele Needham
Ira Mirochnick               Charles S. Potter                    Anida Johnson "Cookie" Cohen**           Shannon Nourbash
Ralph G. Moore               Susan Stokely Rice                   Josie Croll                              Tamara Olszewski
Donna T. Myers               Henry J. Ruder, M.D.                 Maria P. Daley**                         Mrs. William G. Parrillo**
Brian J. O’Brien	            Robert H. Schumacher                 Mrs. Patrick F. Daly*                    Leslye McHugh Pinto**
Edmond F. Opler              Mrs. William L. Searle               Mrs. Matthew S. Darnall**                Jennifer Popish
Harry D. Oppenheimer         Thomas C. Shields                    Mrs. Robert J. Darnall*                  Mrs. Jim R. Porter*
Allen J. Ottens, Ph.D.                                                                                     Tanuja Rathi
Amy Ottens                                                                                                 Mrs. James T. Reid*
Theodore A. Peto                                                                                           Mrs. Clyde W. Reighard**
William T. Read III                                                                                        Mrs. William R. Rybak**
Marion Searle Rice                                                                                         Alice Young Sabl*
John W. Rogers, Jr.                                                                                        Leigh Sasser
Heidi L. Rudolph                                                                                           Jennifer Schindl
Nan Schafer, D.V.M.                                                                                        Traci Schofield
Carolyn Daley Scott                                                                                        Kathryn Babcock Shaffer*
Jack Shaffer                                                                                               Mrs. Howard B. Simpson**
Dr. Alissa Shulkin                                                                                         Elisa S. Templeton
David Hart B. Smith                                                                                        Sarah L. Thompson**
Lori Souder                                                                                                Gretchen Hess Trofa
Paul F. Stack                                                                                              Irene Wood
David F. Sterling
Nancy C. Tameling            Forest Preserves of Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle                    * Honorary member
Kenneth N. Thompson                                                                                        ** Supporting member
Barbara Trees                Harold B. Smith, Jr.                 Vicki L. DeMar
George S. Trees, Jr.         Edward Byron Smith                   Mrs. Paul E. Duckworth*                   Forest Preserves
Chad E. Turner               Caroline R. Tecson                   Diane V. Dygert                           of Cook County
Louis S. Viverito            Corwith C. White, Ph.D.              Rosa M. Ebling
Thomas Wenzl                 James W. Wicklander                  Shari L. Erwin                            Toni Preckwinkle
Luisa T. Young               Thomas R. Williams, Jr.              Janet Ezekiel                             	President
Jeffrey R. Yuknis            Nancy Hamill Winter (GLM)            Anne M. Fahner                            Arnold Randall
                             Andrew S. Zelby, M.D.                Kathryn Feagans                           	 General Superintendent
Annual Governing                                                  Sherry Featherstone                       Alma E. Anaya
Members                      +(GDLecMea)seGdoverning Life Member  Mrs. William M. Feldman                   Luis Arroyo, Jr.
                                                                  Maria Finitzo**                           Scott R. Britton
Patrick A. Botticelli        Women’s Board                        MSurssa.nRBeg. iFnraalndgGel.laGarratt+   John P. Daley
Elizabeth Hamill Bramsen 		                                       Sarah Nava Garvey*                        Dennis Deer
	(GLM)                       Sasha Gerritson                      Roxann Giovannini                         Bridget Degnen
Velma Butler                 	President                           Mrs. John P. Grube*                       Bridget Gainer
George M. Covington          Stephanie Bryan Kangas               Anita K. Guyette                          Brandon Johnson
James W. DeYoung             	 First Vice President               Mrs. James M. Guyette*                    Bill Lowry
Amy T. Dickinson             Romana Malinowski                    Rashada Hamlin                            Donna Miller
Joseph N. DiNatale           	 Second Vice President              Mrs. Wafik A. Hanna**                     Stanley Moore
Carol Ann M. Dvorak          Cathie Overmyer, M.D.                Melissa Heerboth                          Sean M. Morrison
Marshall Field V             	Secretary                           Laura Herman                              Kevin B. Morrison
Bert A. Getz, Sr.            Mrs. Edmond F. Opler                 Jill V. Javors*                           Peter N. Silvestri
Fredrick H. Gohl, Jr.	       	Treasurer                           Mrs. Jack D. Jester*                      Deborah Sims
Jonathan C. Hamill (GLM)                                          Seema Kathuria**                          Larry Suffredin
Richard M. Held              Pat Abinion                          Kathleen Keenan                           Jeffrey R. Tobolski
Paul F. Jock II              Susan E. Ahern*                      Mrs. Dennis J. Keller**                   As of December 2019
Wendell A. Kapustiak         Mrs. Nicholas S. Amatangelo          Linda H. Kissler*
John W. Kemp                 Mrs. Cushman L. Andrews              Mrs. Michael J. Klonoski**                We have taken great care to
Eliza L. Kerr                Mrs. Walter W. Becky II*             Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel*                    accurately record the names
Lee A. Korhumel (GLM)        Jennifer Bellini                     Lori A. Lande                             of our donors and volunteers
Mrs. William N. Lane III     Barbara J. Bradford                  Sandra P. Manne*                          and sincerely regret any errors
Sara N. Love                 Elizabeth Hamill Bramsen                                                       or omissions.
Thomas A. Marrinson                                                                                         Please direct any inquires to
Philip R. May                                                                                               Donor Services at (708) 688-8317.
Trina D. Gordon McCallister
Mrs. C. Bruce McLagan

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