Page 41 - Impact Report_2019 PDF
P. 41
(Left): Robert Sherman and Chicago Zoological Society Trustee
and 2019 Whirl Co-chair Barbara Bradford at Roaring Whirl
(Below: left to right): Chicago Zoological Society Women’s Board
members Stephanie Kangas, Jennifer Popish, Melissa Canning, and
Josie Croll at Wines in the Wild
2019 Special Wines in the Wild
Fundraising Events
On September 21, 2019, more than 300 guests
Women’s Board Hosts sampled a wide variety of wines and liquors
the 38th Annual Whirl Event provided by Prestige Countryside Liquors, while
enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres prepared by the
The Women’s Board of the Chicago Zoological Society, in Zoo’s talented culinary staff. Wines in the Wild
partnership with the Society’s Board of Trustees, hosted its featured a raffle and silent auction and raised
38th annual Whirl, on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Co-chairs of more than $155,000 to support the Society’s
the black-tie gala were Barbara J. Bradford, a member of the education and conservation programs and to
Chicago Zoological Society’s Board of Trustees, and Women’s fund Women’s Board scholarships. Co-chairs
Board member Romana E. Malinowski. The event grossed of this year’s event were Women’s Board
more than $1.5 million to support the animals at Brookfield members Mary Cappelli and Tiffany Carter.
Zoo, as well as the Society’s conservation, education, and
The “Roaring Whirl” theme celebrated the 100th
anniversary of Edith Rockefeller McCormick’s land donation
to the Forest Preserves of Cook County for the express
purpose of creating a modern zoo. The gala drew more
than 700 Chicagoland corporate, civic, and philanthropic
leaders, who enjoyed a meet-and-greet with our Animal
Ambassadors, a scrumptious dinner, as well as a raffle,
an auction, and dancing.