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              Area                    Recommendation                                       bal front, there are new and emerg-
               Broadband Highways      A unified industry-government committee to be setup to look into issues faced with   ing technologies that are now ready
                                       fibre, towers, satellite and other broadband highway enabling technologies.  The   for commercial deployments.  It is
                                       committee will setup standard procedures of infrastructure laying, etc.
                                                                                           the time, when government starts
               Universal Access to Mobile   A mandatory infrastructure sharing between operators in remote and tough areas be   Digital India 2.0, where all these
               Connectivity            introduced.  One operator should be made an anchor operator to develop infrastructure   factors are considered and a more
                                       in each of such remote areas.
                                                                                           meaningful and impactful Digital
               Public Internet Access Programme  After CSCs, MSCs (through post offices) are being set up.  A thorough review must be   India programme is conceived.
                                       done to ascertain the overlaps, if any, between the two or else CSCs should be absorbed   •  The future of technology is use
                                       within MSC infrastructure to increase sustainability.
                                                                                           case defined.  Customers will not
               eGovernance             The digital assets – apps, websites, etc., set up so far are not uniform in experience and   value infrastructure or will be will-
                                       purpose.  For this One India One Digital Image should be launched to standardise the
                                       experience.                                         ing to pay for provisioning of serv-
                                                                                           ices only. They will value the service
               eKranti                 There is a need to have deeper engagement within states on digital governance.  This   by the use case it addresses.  In
                                       will quicken and standardise the process. The MMP bucketing should be kept hidden
                                       from users to give them one view experience.        this backdrop, it is recommended,
                                                                                           that a use case committee be es-
               Information for All     Localisation of information in terms of language and content should be encouraged for
                                       citizens to have information from central as well as state domains.  tablished which charters out the
                                                                                           use cases of Digital India and then
               Electronics Manufacturing  Make in India should be aligned with Industry 4.0 to make it future proof and ready for   launches a roadmap involving all
                                       newer opportunities that shall emerge.
                                                                                           the stakeholders to ensure its R&D,
               IT for Jobs             A three-tier approach be adopted to focus on basic digital literacy, present   solution development, implemen-
                                       opportunities and prepare for future skills.
                                                                                           tation and taking it to the users in
               Early Harvest Programmes  Application of emerging technologies like AI, ML and analytics be explored to take the   the way they value it the best.
                                       user experience to the next levels.
                                                                                            •  There is serious need to ad-
               Devices                 An affordable Smartphone be made a national level mission with all stakeholders   dress the entire Digital readiness
                                       involved to power the next half a billion population of India.  of citizens, especially for jobs.  The
               Apps                    Increase the reach and usability by localising the content in terms of language.  At least   skilling initiative could be improved
                                       content should be made available in all the schedule 8 languages of India.  to have more fruitful results.  There
               5G                      The spectrum pricing needs to be revisited and rationalized to expedite 5G adoption in   are several overlapping sector skill
                                       India.                                              councils, who could be merged as
                                                                                           one Digital Skills council, aiming to
               IoT                     Being a vast application area, there is a need to make a national level priority index of
                                       applications of IoT and work on a roadmap accordingly.  holistically skill people and work in
                                                                                           a coordinated manner with the in-
               Artificial Intelligence  The government must start a focused result-oriented effort to explore its application in
                                       digital governance.                                 dustry trends.
                                                                                            •  The startup journey has been
               Blockchain              This is not a technology for finance only.  The government must set up a task force to   heartening.  However, there is also
                                       come up with recommendations on how Blockchain can be used in digital governance.
                                                                                           an observations that the quality of
               Machine Learning/Deep Learning  This is an important enabler of Digital India 2.0.  There should be a deeper government-  ideas is not extraordinary in all the
                                       industry-academia engagement on how these technologies can bring intelligence to   cases, which can result in higher
                                       Digital India.
                                                                                           failure rates of startups.  Therefore,
               Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/  Being still a premium technology, there is a need to work on creating affordable social   a special pre-incubation and idea-
               Mixed Reality           use cases like in healthcare and education.  Accordingly, a special group of industry-
                                       government must be set up to look into this.        tion programme be started for Dig-
                                                                                           ital India which can refine the ideas
               Smart Cities            A government of India led coordination group be setup where all the SPVs collaborate
                                       and share to expedite the process and knowledge share. RoW issues need to be   to feed to strong startups.
                                       resolved at the earliest.                            •  The government digital infra-
                                                                                           structure is not giving a homoge-
                DigiGaon               A DigiGaon mission be setup, as equally important as Smart Cities Mission be set up
                                       to create an uniform and focused DigiGaon programme in the country. WiFi in gram   nous view across.  There are differ-
                                       panchyats need to be deployed at a fast pace so that villagers can access health,   ent UX / UI experiences across the
                                       education and agriculture information               domain.  It is therefore, suggested
               Industry 4.0            There is a need to come up with a comprehensive paper on India’s approach towards   that Digital India aspires for ‘One
                                       Industry 4.0 – opportunities as well as challenges. This will setup the first organised   India One Digital Experience’, so
                                       step towards building competencies for Industry 4.0.
                                                                                           that citizens have a flawless experi-
               eCommerce               A cooperative ecommerce model may be explored to get unorganised sector of retail   ence across.
                                       as well as farmers and marginal retailers on the digital platform increasing their access   •  Manufacturing of electronics
                                       and saleability.
                                                                                           also needs a revisit as the world us-
               Startups                A national level priority area for startups be setup.  This will help startups to develop   ers in to Industrial Revolution 4.0.
                                       products and services in the high impact areas relevant to India.  This should be
                                       incentivised accordingly.
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