Page 31 - Digital Indial
P. 31

35-40% of Digital Ad spend

                                      is compromised by fraudsters

                8  Eliminate and block Fake                                                      8   Web based solution that
                   Devices, Click Spam,                                                              detects duplicate users,
                   Organic hijacking using                                                           BOTs, blacklisted IPs and
                   advanced machine learning                                                         fake devices for CPC/CPV,
                   based algorithms.                                                                 CPCV, CPL campaigns.

                                               Mobile App                                Web
                                               Fraud                                   Fraud
                                               detection                           detection
                8   Keywords brand bidding:                                                      8   A tracker which looks at APK
                    Track inflated bidding cost &                                                     files of your app in alternate
                    keyword bidding fraud which   Brand Safety                   mAppVault           app stores and flags off
                    impact ROI on Ad campaigns                                                       where your App is modified
                                                                                                     with malicious code
                8   Coupons/cashback:
                    Affiliates show fake coupon
                    and the incentives are
                    manipulated through scams

                8   Incent Fraud:
                    Track incent walls and Identify
                    publishers who mix the incent
                    and non-incent traffic

                                 120 M+                            36%                               1

                               Validations                     Savings for                    Consolidated
                              every month                      Advertisers                     platform for
                                                                                               App & Web

                                5 Mins                           0 hours                            100+

                               Time taken                       Tech effort                    Networks use
                                to go Live                   for integration                   our reports

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