Page 26 - Digital Indial
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              stay focused
              l Don’t get demoralized, every day
              is a challenge worth facing and liv-          problems. The hot areas that are   duction, marketing and sales. Ac-
              ing up to                                     getting maximum attention in   cording to Steve Jobs ”Innovation
              l And finally, Never Give-up is a   Initiatives   the startup ecosystem are: Solu-  distinguishes between a leader &
              Mantra to follow                  by the      tions for smart cities; AgriTech for   follower”. Being a leader allows
                In India the biggest challenge   government of   smart farming; Smart technolo-  you compete globally, being fol-
              continues to be “Startup Culture”   India has led to   gies for healthcare; Smart and   lower will relegate you to a model
              or “Entrepreneurial Spirt” that   mushrooming   green transportation; EduTech for   that already exists and risk of be-
                                              of startups
              need to be inculcated among the   across every   rural and urban. On the technol-  ing relegated to an also ran.
              youth. The incredible initiative by   state in the   ogy front, the focus is on Internet    India’s hunt for real sustainable
              the government of India, “Atal In-  country   of Things, analytics and artificial   startups and innovation needs to
              novation Mission” is exactly what   focusing on   intelligence (AI) and robotics  move to the second tier-cities like
                                              Digital India,
              is needed to germinate innovative   Make In India,    For startups to become viable   Pune, Lucknow, Mysuru, Man-
              ideas among the youth in schools   Startup India   companies, they need to inno-  galuru etc. and government’s 100
              and colleges.                  and Skill India  vate. Innovation involves the whole   Smart Cities will given an impe-
                India is country of opportunities           process from opportunity identi-  tus to startups to develop and in-
              for business as well opportunity to           fication, ideation or invention to   novate smart solutions for smart
              solve number of socio-economic                development, prototyping, pro-  cities in their respective cities.
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