Page 24 - Digital Indial
P. 24
in engaging with startups. There target specified within government
concept) them to create organisa- are lot of inhibitions as a result of procurement that is to be acquired
tions of new India, a digitally devel- which, many big brothers in the through startups.
oped India. ecosystem consider it a waste of l A separate initiative must be
India needs to further take the time to engage with a startup. The launched for startups on the pat-
startup momentum forward to Indian startups are pretty mature in terns of ease of doing business.
kickstart the next wave of activ- their offerings and solutions. They There should be a micro initiative
ity that not only gives the required would not require support in prod- under this umbrella programme,
push to existing startups but also uct development or conceptualisa- which recommends and monitors
creates a funnel of new promising tion. What they require is someone ease of doing startups in India.
startups. Some of the main recom- to exhibit faith in them and start l Entrepreneurs have a global
mendations to give a new direction giving them business. The govern- ambition which is not bad. How-
and impetus to the startups are en- ment must incentivise and encour- ever, they should be encouraged to
listed below:- age private sector to engage start- develop products and offerings for
l The ideation stage is a weak ups for business. pressing requirements in India. For
link in the entire startup process. l Though market access has this purpose, a startup thrust area
There should be focus on encour- been enabled for startups and the mapping should be done, which
aging students to let their creativity procurement rules relaxed for pub- would prescribe priority areas of
be expressed and energies chan- lic purchase, the practice is entirely opportunity for startups in India. A
nelised so that the pre-incubation opposite. Many government de- priority linked incentive mechanism
stage of the process of startups partments and PSUs still do not let should be introduced so that start-
gets some serious tangible activity. startups take part in the procure- ups which focus on the priority ar-
l The industry is still selective ment processes. There should be a eas get the maximum rewards.