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                                                                                           visioned as per the plan.
                                                                                            UAY (Ucchatar Aavishkar Yojana)
                                                                                           has been setup to promote indus-
                                                                                           try and outcome-oriented research
                                                                                           projects by students. There are al-
                                                                                           ready 92 proposals approved under
                                                                                           this scheme.  This is to promote ac-
                                                                                           tive incubation in India.
                                                                                            MANAK (Million Minds Aug-
                                                                                           menting National Aspirations and
                                                                                           Knowledge) scheme is to promote
                                                                                           ideation among school level stu-
                                                                                           dents and compete amongst each
                                                                                           other.  The best projects are show-
                                                                                           cased at the Annual Festival of In-
                                                                                           novations in Rashtrapati Bhavan.
                                                                                            The Ministry of Corporate Affairs
                                                                                           (MCA) has notified that Insolvency
                                                                                           and Bankruptcy Code of 2016, rel-
                                                                                           evant clauses shall also be appli-
                Source - Startup India                                                     cable to startups allowing them to
                                                                                           wind up their business within 90
                                                                                           days of the application compared to
              turnover in public procurement   der Atal Innovation Mission (AIM).          180 days as per previous norms.
              to all startups (whether MSME or   Every year private organisations           There are also other central gov-
              otherwise) subject to qualifying the   apply for this PPP mode procedure     ernment ministries, departments
              quality and technical requirements.   to seek a matching amount of in-       and autonomous institutions who
              Central Public Sector Undertakings   vestment to set up an incubation   The private   have set up their own startup ini-
              (CPSUs) are also offering this re-  centre. After a series of filters, the   sector,   tiatives. Prominent among them
              laxation. Similarly, GFR rules have   qualified ones are shortlisted.  especially   being Department of Science and
              been relaxed and startups are ex-  To inculcate scientific bend of   industry trade   Technology (DST), Department of
                                                                             bodies have
              empted from submission of EMD   mind and encourage entrepreneur-  also set up   Biotechnology, Ministry of Elec-
              or Earnest Money Deposit, a kind of   ship among students, Tinkering   incubation and   tronics and Information Technol-
              security while bidding for a govern-  labs are promoted through PPP   acceleration   ogy, Ministry of Human Resources,
              ment tender.                  mode.  There are 500 such Tinker-  centres.    Software Technology Parks of India
               Any startup incorporated be-  ing labs to be established across   NASSCOM has   and others. All of these ministries
                                                                             its 10,000
              tween 1st April 2016 and 31st   the country in educational insti-  startups,   and departments offer immense
              March 2019, can seek an income   tutes.                        while India   support to startups across domains
              tax exemption for any three years   Atal Incubation Centres (AICs)   Electronics and   including digital technologies.
              within 7 years of the inception of a   are promoted to help set up new   Semiconductor   Several state governments have
                                                                            Association is
              startup.                      incubation centres.  As per EIC   implementing   also come forth with their startup
               Capital gain up to Rs. 50 lakh   (Established Incubation Centre)   STPI’s,   policies.  There are 16 states and
              arising out of transfer of long-term   scheme, NITI Aayog provides fund-  Electropreneur   union territories which have formu-
              capital assets invested in a fund no-  ing to entities interested in setting   Park  lated their startup promotion poli-
              tified by the central government.  up of such incubation centres. 72         cies since 2014.
                                            AICs and 10 EICs have been ap-                  The private sector, especially in-
               A learning and development,   proved by the government for fund-            dustry trade bodies have also set
              the online interactive platform has   ing.                                   up incubation and acceleration
              been set up for educating budding   There is a provision to set up Re-       centres. NASSCOM has its 10,000
              entrepreneurs.                search Parks to foster industry-               startups, while India Electronics
               A ‘fund of funds’ with Rs 10,000   academia collaboration for R&D. 7        and Semiconductor Association is
              crore of has been set up to drive in-  such parks are being set up as per    implementing STPI’s, Electropre-
              novation at startups.  SIDBI, is the   the Startup India Action Plan.        neur Park.
              nodal agency for this purpose.    There are also Technology Busi-             Many senior industry champi-
               The private sector has been en-  ness Incubators (TBI) being set up         ons have also joined hands to offer
              couraged to set up incubators un-  in the country. 15 such TBIs are en-      mentorship, provide funding and
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