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cal relief to startups the period is up to 10 years. Relax- and Ministry of Skill Development
d) Creating and nurturing of a ing the norms further, the definition and Entrepreneurship (MSDE).
techno-business mentor pool who of a startup includes now business A startup India hub was start-
could guide and drive startups with models that have a high potential of ed to resolve queries and provide
their wisdom and experience employment generation or wealth handholding support. Launched on
e) Integrating the knowledge creation. There is also relaxation 1st April 2016, it has resolved over
pool spread across the educational in regards to the requirement of 69,000 queries of startups through
infrastructure in the country with having a letter of recommendation various communication modes.
the industry collaboration to foster from an incubator/industry asso- The hub has mentored over 450
innovation and product develop- ciation for either recognition or tax startups for incubation, funding
ment resulting in creation startups benefits. support, business plan help, pitch
f) Simplifying the business proc- There are a number of initiatives support and other such impor-
esses of setting up of startups and taken up to ease and reduce the tant facilitations. There are already
getting the requisite registrations burden of getting regulatory com- Startups are over 10,000 users registered on the
and certifications pliances for startups. This allows the future Startup India Online Hub, which
As per the latest DIPP numbers startups to focus on their core busi- of India. was launched in 2017 on June 19th.
Whether it is
released in public domain, there ness. Be it environmental clear- for solving the As of date, DIPP has empaneled
were 8,625 startups recognised by ances, labour laws or other such macroeconomic 423 facilitators for patent and de-
government as of March 2018. Of ‘hard nuts’ in the entire regulatory challenges sign applications. 596 facilitators
these 2711, were alone registered framework, a self-certification re- or goals have been set up for Trademark ap-
in 2017-18. gime has been issued by the cen- with respect plications to help file IP (Intellectual
to Digital
Recognising the longer gestation tral government and all states have India like of Property) on a fast track basis.
period of startups, the government been impressed to comply. technology
has amended the definition of an So far 33 of the total 36 states to make GOVERNMENT & INDUSTRY
entity to be considered as a startup. and Union Territories across the solutions apt ENABLEMENT
As per the new norms, an entity country have confirmed compli- for the Indian The government has been all sup-
is considered a startup for up to 7 ance with the advisories issued by conditions portive to help budding entrepre-
years, which was earlier limited to 5 central ministries like Ministry of neurs establish growth promising
years. For biotechnology startups, Labour and Employment (MoLE) startups. As an umbrella support