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                      and create a mass awareness,                  to self-certify compliance under 6   in the statutory fee for filing appli-
                      Startup India programme was                   Labour laws. This has been con-  cations.
                      launched in 2016.                             firmed by 33 states and union terri-  A government, being the largest
                        The union budget of 2017 an-                tories for a period of 5 years.  procurement of goods and serv-
                      nounced following incentives for                A Startup India Hub has been set   ices is also a potential customer for
                      startups:                                     up as a facilitation centre to handle   all businesses. To facilitate start-
                        l Reduce income tax rate for   A Startup India   queries from students and others   ups getting a chance to compete in
                      companies with an annual turnover   Hub has been   interested in setting up of a star-  public procurement, relaxed norms
                      of up to Rs. 50 crore to 25%. This   set up as a   tup.  An online version, Startup In-  for micro and small enterprises
                      would provide MSMEs a reduction   facilitation   dia Online Hub has also been set up   have been provisioned in the pro-
                                                        centre to
                      of 5% from the current applicable   handle queries   in 2017, which has already got over   curement policy of the Ministry of
                      rate of 30%.  This benefit would also   from students   10,000 registrations.  Micro, Small and Medium Enter-
                      help startups.                   and others     Patent design and Trademark   prises (MSME).
                        l Startups could avail the in-  interested in   application facilitators have been   At the same time, the Expendi-
                      come tax exemption for 3 consecu-  setting up of a   empaneled who offer IP filing as-  ture Department has also notified
                      tive assessment years out of a    startup     sistance to startups. DIPP bears   that all the Central Ministries/De-
                      block of 7 years.  This benefit could         the facilitation cost on behalf of   partments shall relax the condi-
                      help startups decide to avail the re-         startups and also provides a rebate   tion of prior experience and prior
                      lief the year of their choice to man-
                      age the cash flows.                           GLOBAL TOP 10 R&D SPENDING
                        Besides these, the government
                      has put in place a number of ben-             COMPANIES IN 2017 (US
                      efits under Startup India, which
                      are amended on the need basis to              $BILLION)
                      further support the growth of star-
                      tups in India.  Some of the major
                      initiatives as per the programme     AMAZON                                                         16.1
                        Considering entities up to 7 years
                      as startups to extend the benefits   ALPHABET                                              13.9
                      of the programme. In the case of
                      Biotechnology startups, the period
                      is 10 years.                       SAMSUNG                                               12.7
                        Scalable business model with
                      high potential of employment gen-
                      eration or wealth creation has also   INTEL CO                                           12.7
                      been included in the definition of a
                        Environmental clearance has   VOLKSWAGEN                                         12.1
                      been one of the major hurdles and
                      has stalled several major projects
                      in India. Realising this, startups   MICROSOFT                                      12
                      falling within 36 white category in-
                      dustries are not required to seek
                      the clearance under acts pertaining                                          11.4
                      to environmental clearances.          ROCHE
                        Startups are allowed to self-
                      certify compliance for a period of 1                                     10.1
                      year with the Apprenticeship Rules,   MERCK
                      1992 of the Apprenticeship Act
                      1961. The Ministry of Skill Develop-                                      10
                      ment and Entrepreneurship has          APPLE
                      already issued an advisory to state
                      governments in this regard.                                            9.6
                        Ministry of Labour and Employ-    NOVARTIS
                      ment (MoLE) have allowed startups
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