Page 16 - Digital Indial
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                                 GROWTH  ENGINE OF  DIGITAL INDIA

              For a country like India, startups are the important cog-wheels in keeping

              the economic cycle running and contributing towards making India a

              digital power

                      tartups are the engines   Qualcomm, Apple, WhatsApp, etc.,           to grow at 10-12%.  These startups
                      of growth of an economy.   were startups just recently.  Many        are likely to employ over 200,000
                      If there are no startups,   of these companies did not even          people by the time period.  The 2018
                      there shall be no future   exist 4 decades ago.  After these         Economic Survey stated India had
             S enterprise or a success-     we have another breed of startups              around 4,750 startups in the IT and
              ful business. Every successful busi-  like Uber and Airbnb on the global     Business Process Management
              ness or large enterprise that we   scene, while in India Paytm, Flip-        sector.
              are proud of today or we see as an   kart, Ola, Oyo, Swiggy, Zomato are       Startups help the economy in
              example, has been a start up in the   among the unicorns.  Among other   India is   several ways. These are economic
              past.                         notable startups Jio is a new addi-  expected to   growth engines; IP, Product and
               Globally also, economies which   tion to the digital landscape of In-  have 10,500   Services Development; and Disrup-
                                                                             startups by
              have fostered start up culture have   dia, which has disrupted the entire   2020, with   tion and Innovation.
              seen exponential growth in their   telecommunications landscape in   tech startups   l Economic Growth Engines - A
              economies.  Examples of US, Israel,   the country and propelled the dig-  expected to   prudent individual saves something
              China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan are   ital growth in India.        grow at 10-   from the current income and in-
              among others to cite.  All the major   As per a Nasscom study, India is   12%   vests in future. This brings security,
              digital household names like Goog-  expected to have 10,500 startups by      prosperity and peace of mind for an
              le, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook,   2020, with tech startups expected         individual. A similar impact can be
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