Page 17 - Digital Indial
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                                                                    intellectual property (IP). IP is the   For a country like India, it may
                                                                    controlling agent of any product or   not be possible to keep with the in-
                                                                    service which reaps long term ben-  novations if it is left only to the large
                                                                    efits for a company which owns it,   and established players. They have
                                                                    hence nation. IP development is   their own business phases and
                                                                    more critical in a digital world as   challenges to conquer for which
                                                                    this is the only differentiating and   they would prioritise investments
                                                                    controlling agent in the value chain   and resources. This would result in
                                                                    that a company can have and it   low level of activities with respect
                                                                    gives the legitimate ownership to   to innovation and R&D at a national
                                                                    the company while others contrib-  level. Thus, it is paramount that In-
                                                                    ute in its value creation.     dia has startups that become the
                                                                      l In multinational trade and   important cog-wheels in keeping
                                                                    manufacturing, IP ownership has   the economic cycle running and
                                                                    proven to bring the real value to   contributing towards making India
                                                                    any organisation, indirectly econ-  a digital power.
                                                                    omy. For instance, the US and Is-  The government of India recog-
                                                                    rael economies may not have the   nising the strategic significance of
                                                                    manufacturing wherewithal of Ja-  startups in India identified it as one
                                                                    pan, China and Korea; yet for the   of the important elements of digital
                                                                    companies originating from these   as well as the overall economy.
                                                                    countries are pecking on the glo-
                                                                    bal trade markets and exchanges   PRESENT STATUS
                                                                    bringing maximum value for the in-  Startup India was launched on 16th
                                                                    vestors and other stakeholders in-  of January 2016, by Finance min-
                                                                                                   ister Arun Jaitley.  However, the
                                                                    cluding the governments.
 GROWTH  ENGINE OF  DIGITAL INDIA                                   There is always a need to constantly   significance of the initiative can be
                                                                      l Disruption and Innovation -
                                                                                                   understood from the fact that it was
                                                                    keep innovating to stay relevant.
                                                                                                   announced as part of the Independ-
                                                                    History has proven the fact that
                                                                                                   parts of Red Fort by Prime Minister
                                                                    the companies that are constantly   ence Day speech from the ram-
                                                                    innovating and disrupting, chal-  Narendra Modi in August 2015.
                      seen of a startup on an economy.              lenging the routine mindset, have    For startups to foster and get all
                      Startups are generally disruptors             seen consistent growth.  Innova-  the requisite support, the govern-
                      as the entrepreneurs take risks in            tion has also had a positive impact   ment has put the best foot forward
                      unknown waters and thus explore               on the outlook and rational think-  to provide all powerful launch-
                      new areas of growth and develop-              ing of the citizens of progressive   pad for startups. Over the past few
                      ment creating new opportunities               nations. At the same time, needs   years, the focus has been on ena-
                      for economic pursuits by trans-  Startups are   and demands of people keep con-  bling a world-class infrastructure
                      forming knowledge into activities.   beyond doubt,   stantly changing. These may not be   that empowers startups and entre-
                        l A startup from day one of its   important   always addressed by existing or-  preneurs with all-important suc-
                                                       in not just
                      inception contributes to the mac-  the present   ganisations and enterprises.  For   cess elements.
                      roeconomy of the nation. It results   development   instance, the e-Commerce space   The critical elements of the star-
                      in job creation, demand genera-  but also play   has not only been propounded but   tup eco-system set-up in the past
                      tion, infrastructure consumption,   a critical role   also established around the world   few years include:-
                      flow of investments and several   in propelling   by startups.                 a)  Funding ecosystem to provide
                      other activities that get triggered by   future growth  Startups are beyond doubt, im-  resources for R&D, seed capital
                      the birth of a startup.  This sets the        portant in not just the present de-  and other levels of evolution
                      engine of an economy rolling and              velopment but also play a critical   b)  Creation of incubators and
                      leads to the growth of a nation, not          role in propelling future growth.   other research labs to provision all
                      just in the immediate time horizon,           The digital sector is intrinsically de-  important equipment and tools at
                      but also seeds into medium to long            manding on investments into R&D.   the disposal of incubatees for idea-
                      range growth.                                 6 out of top 10 global R&D spend-  tion and development of proof of
                        l IP, Product and Services de-              ing companies for 2017, were from   concept
                      velopment - In a knowledge-driven             the digital sector, which collectively   c)  Formulation of rules and regu-
                      economy, the value comes from                 spent over US $77 billion in R&D.      lations to provide tax and other fis-
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