Page 21 - Digital Indial
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                      give office space to startups.  For           country.                       quantum of funding support provi-
                      instance, Huddle, set up in Guru-               Though launched in 2016, Star-  sioned is little.
                      gram by industry veterans of IT and           tup India is a dynamic initiative and   This restricts at times the impact
                      allied domains.                               government keeps on amending   of the programme and some start-
                        Many organisations have       Startups are   the provisions to benefit startups as   ups feel they get inadequately fund-
                      launched their intrapreneur pro-  beyond doubt,   much as possible. With early star-  ed. At the same time, despite of all
                      grammes and are encouraging      important    tups coming into existence some-  ease being brought to the opera-
                                                       in not just
                      staff to go on sabbaticals to try   the present   time in 2016 and 2017, there should   tionalisation of the programme, it
                      out their ideas of innovation. Many   development   be some successful exists that   does encounter with the traditional
                      times, they are supported by fund-  but also play   shall start happening early 2019 out   bureaucracy, which slows the proc-
                      ing and other requisite infrastruc-  a critical role   of these incubation and accelera-  ess and often leads the entrepre-
                      ture as well.                   in propelling   tion centres across the country.    neur to lose interest and focus.
                        There are over 400 incubation   future growth                                There is also a dearth of qual-
                      centres set up across the country.            IMPEDIMENTS                    ity mentors to be available to coach
                      Over 200 of these are set up in vari-         In India, any initiative that has a   startups, especially in smaller
                      ous academic institutions like col-           mass appeal is always short of   towns and cities where businesses
                      leges and universities with digital           funds. This is because of the sheer   might not be in the scale of what
                      technologies being as one of the              magnitude and impact of the pro-  they are present in the major cities.
                      focus areas. There are only a few             gramme. Startup India, the um-
                      among these, which have technol-              brella initiative to promote startups   FUTURE OUTLOOK
                      ogy focus but may not be necessar-            in the country is a programme that   Startups are the future of India.
                      ily digital technologies.                     directly appeals to the youth of the   Whether it is for solving the macr-
                        Digital India and Startup India             country.  65% of the population of   oeconomic challenges of employ-
                      are complimenting each other.                 India is below 35 years of age.   ment and trade balance, or very im-
                      Through Startup India, the ideas in             Though age and entrepreneur-  portant goals with respect to Digital
                      the digital space are getting nur-            ship should have no analogy and   India like of technology to make so-
                      tured and developed into organisa-            a person can startup any time.  In   lutions apt for the Indian conditions
                      tions, which builds tangible com-             many cases, it is people after serv-  or making them affordable for dig-
                      petencies of India in the sector. At          ing industry for 10-20 years that   ital solutions to penetrate deep into
                      the same time, the advancements               they venture on their own. The point   the country; startups are pivotal in
                      and skills in the digital domain lead         to make here is that there is a huge   all the roles.
                      to new and disruptive ideas that are          demand for a programme like Star-  There is a need to drive focused
                      channelised through startups in the           tup India in the country and any   initiatives within Digital India to rea-
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