Page 14 - Digital Indial
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POPULATION IN MILLIONS gist - Steve Jobs had admitted of
Age Distribution in India. Census 2011 getting inspired from India about its
This heterogenous and divergent
6.0 80+ 5.3 background that lays the foun-
dation of India is also a source of
4.7 75-79 4.5 stream of opportunities. There are
huge issues and challenges which
9.6 70-74 9.7 give birth to lots of opportunities
that can be addressed digitally. To
13.5 65-69 12.9
make the deal sweeter, these op-
19.0 60-64 18.7 portunities are in huge volumes
making attractive business cases
FEMALE 19.7 55-59 19.5 MALE pulling technology companies all
across the world to be in present in
23.2 50-54 25.8
30.2 45-49 32.1 The talent pool recognised world
over, especially in the technology
34.9 40-44 37.5 domain is another great strength
that is advantageous to India in its
42.2 35-39 42.9 digital journey. Right from Silicon
43.9 30-34 44.7 Valley, the haven of technology and
modern day disruptions, to other
50.1 25-29 51.3 major innovation destinations, In-
dian talent is serving and contrib-
53.8 20-24 57.6 uting actively towards the present-
56.5 15-19 64.0 day innovations.
All these strengths needed a di-
63.3 10-14 69.4 rection, which has been provided by
the government by way of launch-
60.6 5-9 66.3 ing Digital India.
54.2 0-4 58.6 Alongside there have been a
number of reforms that are making
Source: Census of India, 2011 Indian an investment and business
attractive destination. The ease of
Every new programme or scheme technology relevant and afford- doing business has been one of the
has one or the other component able so that its benefits reach to priority areas of the Narendra Modi
of digital enablement. There have each and every citizen in the coun- government and as a result India
been several policies framed in the try. The focus is such that it might has come up several places up the
past 3-4 years where the focus is not be wrong to say that India is at Launch global Ease of Doing Business in-
of major
how to transform India into a digital an inflection point to become the programmes dex.
nation empowering it to play a cru- world’s largest ‘digital’ democracy. like Make in As per the 2018 rankings of Ease
cial role in the evolving digital econ- India, Startup of Doing Business index prepared
omy world over. INDIA DIGITAL ADVANTAGES India, Skill India by World Bank, India is at 100th
The earlier pundits of economy India has some inherent strengths. and others rank up from 130 in 2017 and is
are aimed at
had predicted India to be a super- These are even relevant in the dig- strengthening classified as a ‘Medium’ level coun-
power by 2020. However, this was ital times. The first and foremost manufacturing, try in terms of doing business. This
by the legacy concepts. There has important strengths of India is new growth is indeed a great accomplishment.
been a lot of change in the entire the heterogeneous socio-cultural businesses and However, the aim should be to get
socio-economic outset worldwide, background. This rich culture and the talent pool in to the list of ‘Very Easy’ countries
which pegs digital transformation tradition in every aspect of life – in the country and rank even higher on this glo-
as a pivotal factor in making a na- lifestyle, food, trade, profession, re- bal index. Similarly, ITUs ICT De-
tion future ready. ligion, geography, flora and fauna, velopment Index ranks India at 134
The leadership in India is not only ethnicity, etc., gives India the wide in 2017 annual assessment, up by
aware but already on a mission to span of creativity. Even one of the 5 ranks compared to the previous
empower India digitally and make recent times celebrated technolo- year. Though, this might be a small