Page 30 - Digital Indial
P. 30
There is need to now give a strategic direction to Digital India, which sets
a foundation for its long term sustainability as well as making it highly
impactful to really affect a billion lives
igital India has all trans- OF THE REPORT ARE:- uniform structure which is interop-
formational vision and • There is a need for cohesive erable and standardised to be im-
ingredients in it. It is not and coordinated effort between tel- plemented homogenously across
just a technology revo- ecom, IT and electronics industries, the country.
D lution, but an initiative which synergise to create the Dig- • Digital India in the rural parts
that transforms everything that any ital world. The traditional approach of the country cannot happen
citizen of the country does or ex- of them moving ahead on their own without government’s active sup-
periences. The initiative impacts roadmaps is not efficiently help- port. The government has been
a billion lives across the rural and ing the ecosystem grow as a Digital considerate of it and taking steps
urban India and shapes their future Ecosystem. proactively. There is though, need
by redefining the socio-economy of • The segregation of MMPs giv- to have a separate authority to fo-
the country. ing ownership accordingly to cen- cus on the rural implementation of
The government is also minutely tre, state and both together, is lead- Digital India, which could work in a
looking into its implementation and ing to irregular progress of Dig- consultative manner with the state
doing all possible to embed Digital ital India. This is not leading to an government and local panchayats.
India into the roots of the country, end-to-end Digital experience to It is therefore recommended to cre-
which is on a growth trajectory. De- the citizens. Due to constitutional ate a special cell for rural imple-
spite all its limited resources, the obligations, as in the concurrent The telecom, IT mentation of Digital India which is
government has quarantined the list, it may not be possible to make and electronics empowered with consultants who
initiative and is reinforcing Digital the entire list of identified MMPs industry must work with the state government for
India with all possible executive and responsibility of one of the govern- gel smoothly speedy implementation. BSNL can
to make a
financial support. ance structures. However, Digital homogeneous also be engaged to actively partici-
There is a need to revisit the en- India may also be brought under proportion for pate in the rural implementation,
tire initiative based on past 3 years the purview of Inter State Council success of this as it has the widest coverage in the
journey since launch. There are for closer coordination among cen- programe country in terms of geographic ex-
enough cues to suggest a new and tre-state and state-state relation- panse.
enhanced vision for Digital India, ships to look for synergies in imple- • The 9 pillar structure of Digital
which primarily reinvents it to in- menting Digital India smoothly. India needs a review. This is be-
crease the impact and reach of the • The social sector Digital India cause some of the pillars overlap
programme. There have also been interventions need a different out- in their objectives. For instance in
market and technology develop- look than the other programmes eGovernance and eKranti. Similar-
ments which need to be factored like in governance, etc. It is pro- ly, Early Harvest has accomplished
into the Digital India programme posed to set up a Social Digital In- it mission. At the same time, many
as they have a direct impact on the dia task force where domain ex- other important programmes shall
aims and objectives being met. perts from healthcare, education be achieved and accomplished in a
and other identified domains work year or two. For instance Bharat-
SOME OF THE MAIN CONCLUSIONS with technology experts to create a Net fibre deployment. On the glo-