Page 34 - Digital Indial
P. 34
Job And
across the
Indians To Be
Under Broadband
Citizens to be
covered through
Fibre (fixed
velops India on wired and wireless
There is a need to redefine Make in the most opportune time for Digital technologies.
India to play a vital role in Industry India 2.0 as many policies enabling • There will be over 2.5 million
4.0 to have a high value manufac- it, have been recently refreshed jobs and avenues of entrepreneur-
turing ecosystem in the country, and their focus can be further aug- ship created through Digital India
which also leverages the software mented into Digital India 2.0. across the urban and rural terri-
competencies of the country. Digital India is a flagship pro- tories.
Digital India has achieved a lot gramme of the government as it Besides, it will decentralise the
so far. It has been able to send does not leave any aspect of the power and access to quality of life
the right pulse across the country life of any citizen untouched. As a with equal opportunities to grow
making India digitally aware and consequence, it is aspiring for very and develop. After introduction of
ready. The policies and direction so large goals. There is also Panchayat Raj, Digital India will be
a need to
far has more been on the capacity address the the next enabler of taking govern-
building. As we approach towards DIGITAL INDIA IS IMPACTING EACH entire digital ance and empowerment to every
completion of capacity building on AND EVERY INDIAN. SOME OF THE readiness of village, city and town of the country.
many fronts, there is need to now BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENTS IT WILL citizens Digital India is a journey, which
give a strategic direction to Digital RESULT IN INCLUDE:- needs to evolve in real time. After
India, which sets a foundation for • India to become world’s largest its first stage of capacity building,
its long term sustainability as well Digital Democracy. the next version of Digital India will
as making it highly impactful to re- • Over 800 mn Indians to be in be enriching and empowering if all
ally affect a billion lives. This can Broadband coverage. the stakeholders are taken togeth-
be achieved through a revisit to • 220 million Indians to have ac- er and this is what will be the vision
usher into Digital India 2.0. This is cess through fibre. This evenly de- of Digital India 2.0