Page 108 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 108

The Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon

               The Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL) is a set of four
        word  lists  that  together  provide  an  essential  guide  to  the  most
        important  words  and  phrases  to  know  in  the  field  of  English  for
        Academic  Purposes  (EAP).  This  list  gives  around  250  important
        phrases for academic speaking, grouped into 16 functional areas.

        Spoken phrases

       1.  Signposting and focusing in lectures/lessons

        I was going to / we are going              I was talking about
                                                   we were talking about
        I would like to
                                                   been talking about
        I want to talk about / look at
                                                   we talked about
        / say
                                                   we looked at
        what I want to do
                                                   we talk about
        I (just) want to
                                                   you can look at
        just going to
                                                   be looking at
        going to talk about
                                                   to deal with
        going to be talking about
                                                   interested in
        going to look at
                                                   if you/we look at
        going to show you
                                                   if you think about (it)
        going to go through
                                                   when we/you look at
        going to go into
                                                   (and) you can see that
        going to say
                                                   we can see

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