Page 111 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 111

something like                             like this

       6.  Adding

        as well as                                 et cetera (et cetera)

        and so on (and so forth)                   (not only) but also

        and all the rest of it
       7.  Using vague language

        or something like that                     all kinds of

        something to do with                       and things like that

        a kind of                                  in a way

        a sort of                                  in some ways

        some kind of                               to some extent

        some sort of                               of some kind
        this/that sort of (thing)                  or whatever

        this/that kind of (thing)                  a little bit about

        the sort of thing                          a (little) bit more about

        all sorts of

       8.  Classifying and comparing things
        the same sort of                           these sorts of

        the sorts of                               the type of

        the kinds of                               types of

       9.  Making contrasts

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