Page 113 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 113

at that point                              in the future

        in this course                             period of time

        at this stage                              in a minute

        for the moment                             later on

        for a long time
       13. Hedging and expressing degrees of certainty

        may or may not                             we know that

        it seems to me (that)                      as you know

        I think (that)                             tend to be

        I would say                                more likely to

        I suppose                                  may well be

        of course                                  you find that
        the fact that                              on the whole

       14. Marking a shift in or change of topic

        (going to) come to                         so you get

        come back to (that)                        OK so

        go back to (that)                          OK now
        back to that                               all right so

        move on to                                 right so

        go on to                                   all right

        so we have                                 let me just

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