Page 110 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 110

in particular                              a very important

        the most important                         one of the key

        the importance of                          one of the most

        is important to

       4.  Clarifying and restating
        (so) in other words                        more or less

        as I say                                   (the) way(s) in which

        as I said                                  the way that

        that is to say                             a way of

        what I mean by                             in the way that

        in a sense                                 in a way that

        if you like                                in such a way
        as it were                                 in this/that way

        you might say                              in the same way

        in some way                                the same thing

       5.  Giving examples

        going to give you an example               to show you
        (so) for example                           an idea of

        for instance                               a sense of

        such as                                    what I mean

        an example of                              a bit like

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