Page 91 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 91

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            4.1    Sustainability

            Regulated Cannabis policies should seek            Environmental Sustainability
            comprehensiveness, coherence and sustainability.
            Such a complex plant, with multiple uses, cannot   Cannabis is a plant that can mitigate many of
            be cocooned; a legal Cannabis framework must       the harms caused by both industrialisation and
            display acute awareness of its impact on citizens   prohibition:
            and its impact on the planet. The United Nations   •  If used specifically for that purpose and not
            2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with         intended for human and animal consumption,
            its 17 detailed Sustainable Development Goals         the Cannabis plant can extract toxins from the
            (SDGs) provides an efficient tool for the framing     soil and restore nutrients;
            of policy reforms, leaving no aspect of the issue   •  Illegal cultivation has forced many farmers
            unexamined .                                          into areas where cultivation is detrimental
                                                                  to the environment, causing soil erosion and
            Social Sustainability                              •  Methods used for crop eradication by law
            The first thing needed is the cessation of any arrest   enforcement are certainly highly detrimental to
            or incarceration for Cannabis use, cultivation and    the environment, particularly aerial eradication.
            trade, unless there is specific evidence of harm   With Cannabis production and consumption
            to others in cases of fraud, theft, protectionism or   having been illegal for nearly a century, there is
            corruption, for example. Under new regulations,    limited data to support the design of best practices
            rather than having criminal sanctions,             for the industry. Unlike other valuable agricultural
            administrative sanctions should be established     crops, there has been virtually no public-funded
            for the violation of cultivation or trade regulations.   research on how to produce Cannabis most
            Non-criminal sanctions for violations must be      effectively and efficiently, nor which of the various
            clearly set out before any regulations are put into   cultivation methods has the smallest carbon
            place. While unregulated activities will always exist,   footprint .
            proportionality and evidence of harm must be at
            the core of any penalty for the infringement of the   Cannabis cultivation techniques could lead to the
            new regulations.                                   following adverse environmental effects:
            Core regulatory decision making should stay        •  Electricity
            with authorities with the public’s interest (use,     It is estimated indoor Cannabis cultivation
            cultivation, and trade) at heart, not the interest    in the United States uses 1% of the country’s
            of large commercial stakeholders. Tax revenue         power capacity . Indoor growing requires
            generated from Cannabis will boost the fiscus to      high-powered lights generating excess heat
            such an extent, that the government will have no      in the process, which requires air conditioners/
            choice but to incentivise democratic functioning      ventilation to cool down.
            of decision-making processes; with the potential   •  Water
            to fund education, harm reduction, and tangible       A Cannabis plant can use up to 22 litres of water
            social upliftment.                                    per day , which can place added pressure on
                                                                  the water supply with large-scale cultivation,
                                                                  especially in areas affected by drought.
            Transparency & Accountability                      •  Soil
                                                                  Over-cultivation of farm land could lead to
            Regulators must be able to justify decisions          decreases in productivity  for Cannabis plants,
            and be subject to public scrutiny. This includes      which in turn can lead to increased reliance on
            non- discrimination, provision for appeals and        chemical fertilisers to maintain yields.
            a sound legal base for decisions. Judgements
            given in arbitration/regulation hearings should be   •  Waste management
            steadfastly adhered to.                               Chemical-based growing nutrients and
                                                                  pesticides that are not disposed of correctly can
                                                                  lead to pollution of natural water sources.

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  47
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