Page 94 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 94
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
4.3 Women & Gender Equality In A Legally
Regulated Market
Achieving gender equality and the empowerment their status both inside and outside the household
of women is a major challenge in our country, and – including greater control over household
is a condition of any modern, sustainable society. resources; better mental health; reduced time
constraints; and increased access to financial
Women own fewer assets (in terms of land, services. Women’s empowerment also leads to
livestock, or human capital), and have less access better health care, skills development, income
to inputs (seeds, fertiliser, labour, finance) and earning opportunities, information about markets
services (training, insurance, etc.) than men. and legal rights – all of which may, in turn,
To further complicate things, equal access to positively impact agricultural productivity, nutrition
resources does not guarantee equal returns and food security.
for women farmers. Research has shown that
empowering women can lead to improvements in
4.4 Recognition & Differentiation Of Medical
& Adult Uses
Cannabis policies in South Africa have been accessing treatment via other supply streams –
structured around two different kinds of uses: self-medication via home cultivation, access to
the medical use on the one hand (recognised traditional healers’ Cannabis formulations, Dagga
by the Government in 2016) and adult use as a Private Clubs or traditional informal providers.
personal right on the other hand. Future Cannabis
regulations must acknowledge the intersection “With the rise of adult-use Cannabis, experts see
of the two and acknowledge the urgent need for medicinal marijuana dominated by two distinct
education and training across the board. markets: wellness products and government-approved
medicines’’ – Omar Sacirbey
Medical uses Regardless of the age limit for adult use, minors
that need Cannabis or Cannabis products for a
Education of healthcare providers remains a medical condition cannot be refused treatment
pivotal issue here. Certain Cannabis extracts will or access because of their age. Physicians must
be registered as medicines and become available be trained to address specific recommended
through conventional medical supply chains. formulations for younger patients.
However, no patient should be hindered from
50 CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform