Page 92 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 92

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            •  Packaging material                              facilities. Similar to the free-range food movement,
               Serious consideration needs to be given to the   the Cannabis industry can adopt “green” growing
               development of biodegradeable packaging         certifications  which can create a framework
               for Cannabis. This is an area with significant   to grow Cannabis in a sustainable way from an
               potential within South Africa’s emerging        energy and environmental perspective. Coupled
               industrial Cannabis sector.                     with the increased demand for African landrace
                                                               Cannabis products, South African Cannabis,
            The South African Cannabis industry has            grown sustainably, can become a valuable
            an opportunity to be a leader in sustainable       commodity in the global market. But first we need
            cultivation techniques. We have the advantage of   to get our own house in order.
            growing Cannabis outdoors in the sun, without
            the need for energy intensive indoor grow

            4.2  Policy Coherence:

                   Aligning With Relevant, Pre-existing Policies

            Laws and regulations must be clear and                alcohol and tobacco, but Cannabis must not
            provide a degree of certainty. A legal Cannabis       be regulated in any manner that is harsher
            framework should seek normalisation and align         than these two, more harmful, substances;
            with agricultural, environmental, indigenous,      •  Cannabis cannot be used in family disputes
            healthcare, tobacco, alcohol and other pre-existing   or custody battles, no more than the use of
            policies, strictly according to relevance and scale   alcohol or tobacco can be used under these
            of harms. Regulations must respect constitutional     circumstances;
            rights, and be consistent with other policies (e.g.   •  evidence of HaRm must be central to all
            alcohol and tobacco) and based on evidence from       regulations. Given the history of Cannabis
            the judgments handed down by the courts.
                                                                  prohibition and the resultant stigmatisation
            A highly-referenced study  which ranked 20 drugs      and misinformation, regulators have a
            based on multiple criteria and factors of harm,       responsibility to craft rational and evidence-
            found that Cannabis is less harmful than both         based regulations;
            alcohol and tobacco. One of the authors of this    •  no exceptional over-regulatory measures
            study, Professor David Nutt, was one of the expert    (i.e. licence based systems) should be
            witnesses for The Trial of the Plant  and a speaker   implemented, as these create barriers to entry,
            at Fields of Green for ALL’s Clinical Cannabis        unnecessary administration and a gateway to
            Convention in 2017 . Professor Nutt insists that      corruption. Regular company registration with
            science must be put at the heart of drug policy.      terms and conditions specific to the Cannabis
            On the basis of Professor Nutt and his team’s         industry must be the only prerequisite to
            research findings, it is irrational to regulate this   access the legal market, the only exception
            plant in a harsher manner than either alcohol         being Cannabis produced for, and claiming to
            or tobacco.                                           be, medicine or making specific therapeutic
            This means that Cannabis should be normalised
            in society, and, for instance:                     •  similarly, Cannabis regulations must be
                                                                  “tested” against the current laws and
            •  Because Cannabis is less harmful than              regulations on agriculture, indigenous or rural
               alcohol and tobacco, it should be regulated        farmers rights, healthcare and other pre-
               accordingly: all Cannabis regulations must be      existing policies.
               “tested” against the current laws regulating

           48        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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