Page 99 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 99
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
If we examine the extent to which laws and It follows from the diagram below that the
regulations are needed for an efficient Cannabis process of developing fair and constitutionally
industry and compare this to the human sound regulations must be conscious of all factors
demographic (people who actually USE Cannabis) influencing the process. Within these “FAIR” and
we see that the most stringent regulations “CONSCIOUS” regulations is the reality of our
are those that apply to a medical product that “LEGACY” Cannabis communities and their use,
makes specific claims of efficacy. However, the cultivation and trade of the plant. These legacy
amount of people who use Cannabis in South communities are now being placed side by side
Africa specifically to treat a medical condition is with a “new” “COMMERCIAL” sector. If there is no
the smallest sector of the population. The most balance between the two, the offshoot will be the
important sector is what we call “Standard & continued thriving of the underground “black”
Wellness” for purposes of this diagram and this market. If the regulations are too stringent or
sector deserves special attention. A reasonable exclude Legacy Cannabis communities, the space
framework of regulations for the largest sector becomes wide open to bribery, corruption and
is the only way forward. Long dismissed as share-price inflation through nefarious means.
“recreational” use, this sector needs access to
quality products as actual use may vary from
Cannabis as a safe relaxant to an informed user
treating a medical condition, but not requiring
a pharmaceutical product.
‘The bribers’
‘blaCk markeT’
Criminal inTenT
PUmP & dUmPers
CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform 55