Page 102 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 102

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            5. a Full-spectrum model For

                  Cannabis regulation

            What follows is a practical, cost-effective, enforceable, constitutionally sound,
            human rights-based model for Cannabis policy reform in south africa.

            The South African Cannabis market, post           of these sectors is likely to fall under existing and
            legalisation, will have many facets and dynamics   impending medical and agricultural initiatives.
            across a wide spectrum of products, the dynamics
            of which will be dictated by supply and demand.   In order to give some structure to our evidence for
            From quality control to promoting responsible use   The Trial of the Plant, Fields of Green for ALL has
            and legal supply, each of these aspects will need   always referred to the Four Platforms of the use of
            to be proactively considered to ensure that strong   Cannabis in South Africa : 1
            foundations of the formal Cannabis economy are    •  Responsible Adult Use
            built in alignment with the Six Ethical Principles in   •  Traditional, Cultural and Religious Uses
            Section 4.                                        •  Industrial Uses

            According to the ethics of Policy Coherence (see   •  Health Uses
            Section 4), regulation of registered Cannabis
            medicines accompanied by specific claims of       However, progress towards legal regulation and the
            efficacy, and the industrial use of the Cannabis   nature of our proposed market model have led us
            plant are contemplated by this model, but are not   to identify four “pillars” that need to support our Full
            a primary focus of this document. The regulation   Spectrum Model:

                                                   THE 4 PILLARS

                                                ADULT-USE              INDUSTRIAL
                  CONSTITUTIONAL               COMMERCIAL           CANNABIS AGRO-            MEDICAL
                                               REGULATION               INDUSTRY

               Already established as a solid   Crucial if the legal   Already in the        Already in the
              foundation by the Constitutional   regulation of Cannabis   making. It is      making. There
               Court judgment of September   is to boost our economy.   important to note   are thousands of
               2018. This pillar incorporates all   The cornerstone of this   here that the current   applications for the
               responsible use by adults. It is   pillar is our Cannabis   proposals for THC   use of Cannabis for
              our wish that fair regulations for   Hubs, overseen by the   threshold levels for   one’s health. The
               ALL South Africans will negate   Cannabis OmBUDsman   Industrial Cannabis   Medical Pillar ONLY
                the strict need for “privacy”   of South Africa. It is very   are flawed and   deals with registered
               and “private spaces”. This pillar   urgent, in the light of   will hamper the   pharmaceutical
                incorporates all traditional,   the 2020 Covid-19 crisis,   development of this   products and not
                cultural, religious and health   that South Africans   industry in South   with the responsible
                uses of the plant, outside of   are allowed to trade      Africa.          use of Cannabis by
               pharmaceutical products and    in Cannabis and that                          adults in order to
               adult-use commercial activity.   trade regulations are                     benefit their health.
              The cornerstone of this pillar is   FAIR and accessible to
                 our Dagga Private Clubs.           ALL.

           58        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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