Page 106 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 106

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

    Standardising The Operations Of Dagga Private Clubs

            During 2019 and especially 2020, South Africa  interpretations Of The Dagga Private
            experienced an intense growth in newly                  Club model
            established Dagga Private Clubs. These entities
            did not necessarily understand the purposes of   The DPC model can be interpreted in different ways
            the model and used the term “Dagga Private       which cater to different socio-economic classes
            Club” as an attempt to legitimise the sale of    in South Africa. The following are some of these
            Cannabis. This led to the formation of the       interpretations, however it may not be limited to
            National Operational and Quality Standard for    these interpretations only:
            Dagga Private Clubs .                            informal Club
            The aim of this National Standard is to          The Informal Dagga Private Club consists of 30
            provide Clubs with a framework to operate        members or less. It remains an unregistered entity
            as practically as possible, while protecting     as long as the Club experiences no growth. The Club
            its community’s socio-economic needs and         should still keep meticulous records relating to supply
            responding adequately to changing conditions     and distribution.
            that might impact on its operations. The
            Standard specifies requirements that enable a    Digital Club
            Club to achieve the intended outcomes it sets    A digital Dagga Private Club is a registered Non-Profit
            for its Constitutional Framework – the system    entity with more than 30 members that follow a
            that contains all the Recorded Information to    formalised system. It operates only digitally and not
            legitimise the Club’s actions.                   from a physical location. Physical interaction between
                                                             members is limited, but not discouraged. Digital
            This Standard can be used when a Club is         Clubs can still offer events or workshops to members,
            initially set up to guide the Club in designing   although all operational activities take place online
            its operations. Once the Constitutional          and on a platform that requires members to
            Framework has been designed, it can be used      authenticate themselves.
            to govern the Club’s actions and keep it true to
            its purpose.                                     Caregivers’ Club
                                                             The Caregivers Club is a registered Non-Profit entity
            A systematic approach to operational             with more than 30 members that follow a formalised
            management can provide the founders of the       system. This model aims to include the older
            Club with information to build success over the   generation who have been exposed to the healing
            long term and create options for contributing    and soothing properties of Cannabis and want to
            to sustainable development by:                   use the product as part of an informal medicinal
            •  First and foremostly, providing a safe        routine. While it does not subscribe to any medicinal
               environment for its community to practise     regulations, it is mostly the user’s intention for
               its right to privacy;                         consuming Cannabis which sets this Club apart.
            •  Protecting and actively contributing to the
               community by adopting a cause;                Venue-based Club
            •  Assisting the Club in the fulfillment of      A venue-based Dagga Private Club has one of two
               compliance obligations;                       options. It could have a building or physical location
            •  Enhancing operational efficiency;             dedicated to the Club. Such a venue would only
                                                             be accessible by registered members of the Club
            •  Controlling or influencing the way the Club’s   and should not be open to non-members, except
               supply is planned, produced, distributed,     stakeholders with an active interest in the venue.
               consumed and managed by using a life
               cycle perspective;                            Alternatively, a Club may operate from a public
            •  Communicating operational information to      venue, with a private section that is not accessible
               relevant stakeholders.                        to non-members. Measures must be put in place to
                                                             ensure that non-members are not able to enter the
            The Standard discusses the following elements,   members’ area.
            amongst others:

           62        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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