Page 103 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 103

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            The table below illustrates all the different modalities that should be planned for in a Cannabis regulatory
            model, in order to include all citizens and communities, to cover demand, and to leave no-one behind. The
            graphic below details the proposed structure of regulations based on the four pillars.

                                    CANNABIS SUPPLY CHAIN REGULATORY MODEL

               THE 4     TYPES OF
              PILLARS   home Use      CULTIvATION        PROCESSING          RETAIL              USE
                                                            at home and in a private space.
                ConsTi-  TUTional   righTs Pillar  PrivaTe   at the club’s cultivation facilities.    Products sold at the   at home or the
                                                                                             club's facilities.
                                          at home and any private space.
                                                                           club’s facilities.
                                                Kasinomics Integrated Cooperative in Legacy Hub (see 5.2.1 Hubs)
                  adUlT  Use  Pillar  groWers  Cannabis production   performed by legacy   retail outlets or via   at home or private
                                                                          Products sold in
                                                        Processing can be
                                   small-scale rural based
                                     farmers in existing
                                                                          either authorized
                                                       Hubs or standard 3rd
                                                        party processors.
                                                                         traditional healers.
                                    standard cultivation
                                                       in-house processing
                                     allowing both small
                                      scale and large
                                                        on business model.
                                        operations.   or 3rd party depending   Authorized retail   at home or private
                                                                                           at home, in a private
                 mediCal   Pillar  Cannabis  Specific regulatory model led by SAHPRA    Hospitals and   space or dedicated use
                                                                                          area depending on the
                                         and the medical Research Council.
                                                                                            healthcare setting.
                 indUsTrial   Pillar  hemP  General regulatory model for agricultural crops    any relevant   anywhere and not
                                                                                              restricted to
                                           using existing frameworks.
                                                                                              privacy laws.
               Cannabis laws and regulations, using the hub model, should lower the barriers to entry by not imposing
               excessive red tape on subsistence and/or traditional growers. ultimately Cannabis commercial laws
               should fall within existing legislation to prevent reinventing the wheel in certain instances i.e.
               Cannabis consumers should be protected by the Consumer Protection act when making purchases.
               The below diagram illustrates the flow of Cannabis from seed to sale emphasizing the need for Hubs in
               the system, as well as key elements in the process.
                  GROWERS                     HUB                DISTRIBUTION                RETAIL
                  CommerCial            QUaliTy ConTrol          hemP ProdUCTs             regisTraTion
                   indUsTrial             byProdUCTs              disTribUTors             adverTising
                    in-hoUse                   Tax               Food ProdUCTs              PaCkaging

                  TradiTional         anonymoUs aUCTion             in-hoUse               no Under 18
                  sUbsisTenCe             WarehoUsing              TradiTional             TradiTional
                                                                    ProdUCTs                ProdUCTs
                 Co-oPeraTive                annUal
                                          CerTiFiCaTion        adUlT-Use ProdUCTs           labelling

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  59
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