Page 107 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 107

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            Stokvel Club
            The Stokvel Club is aimed at
            the traditional market typically
            found in informal settlements
            in South Africa. The socio-
            economic conditions found
            here do not allow for intricate
            paperwork and great amounts
            of input in terms of resources,
            therefore it should be
            approached differently based
            on the stokvel initiative that the
            community is already familiar

    Governing Body
            The Governing Body is the
            management structure of the
            DPC. They are accountable to
            members to ensure that their needs are met, that   The transportation of Cannabis on behalf of the
            the DPC operates in an appropriate manner, that    Club and its members should be completed
            the supply of Cannabis takes place within the DPC   with a Transportation Manifesto, authorising the
            and that no distribution takes place outside of the   individual to transport the Cannabis between the
            DPC. They are responsible for:                     DPC and its members / growers.

            •  ensuring that the DPC operates in accordance
               with the Standard;                      Membership Experience
            •  ensuring that the Club meets all its compliance   To be part of a DPC, an individual needs to register
               obligations;                                    as a member and sign a formal agreement
            •  ensuring quality of employment and the          where he/she cedes their private right to cultivate
               appointment of competent people;                Cannabis over to the collective of the DPC. After
            •  efficient management and maintenance of         a member has been registered, they must be
                                                               oriented on the rules and regulations of the
               personal information;                           DPC; their human rights as it relates to Cannabis
            •  efficient monitoring and capturing of           cultivation and consumption; their required
               information related to the Club’s applicable life   involvement in contributing to a charitable cause;
               cycle processes of the Cannabis plant;          information on harm reduction and responsible
            •  efficient and competent growing and handling    usage and other information as it relates to
               of Cannabis.                                    Cannabis and its consumption.

                                                               Members must state their needs and requirements
    Planning                                as it relates to their Cannabis usage, so that the

            To ensure the DPC can supply the needs of its      DPC may adjust its planning for the cultivation of
            members, it needs to plan various processes.       the member’s Cannabis.
            These include risk identification and mitigation;   Membership should be based on an existing habit
            design of operational processes; the life cycle    of Cannabis consumption and DPCs should limit
            of the Cannabis plant; supply and demand;          the number of members in its DPC, in order to
            communication; community involvement and           respect the privacy requirement of the model.
            the recording of information. All of these sections   Membership subscriptions should be based on
            prove that the DPC is supplying the needs of its   a costing model that accounts for all related
            members and that no sale of Cannabis is taking     expenses to growing the member’s allocated
            place.                                             Cannabis.

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  63
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