Page 108 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 108

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

   Grower experience /         structural support
                    Growing Operations                    The management of the DPC needs to ensure that all
            The DPC could cultivate Cannabis for the      resources are provided for. This includes infrastructure,
            Club in one dedicated location or it may      competence of staff / employees and also awareness of
            have various members growing on behalf        the Club’s policy and operations among its employees.
            of other members. If members grow for
            the DPC, they need to be registered as  Club Review
            growers for the Club and be managed as
            such. Their cultivation capabilities need     The Club should be subjected to internal and external
            to be maintained in line with the needs of    reviews to ensure that it complies with the National
            the members. Growers that cultivate on        Operational and Quality Standard for Dagga Private
            behalf of the Club should subscribe to the    Clubs. Internal reviews should be done within the
            minimum quality requirements of the Club.     Club by a qualified person and results of the review
                                                          should be submitted to the management of the Club.
            Should the DPC cultivate its own Cannabis     External reviews should be conducted by the Office of
            on behalf of all members of the Club, the     the OmBUDsman, to ensure impartiality. If a DPC does
            management needs to plan all aspects          not comply with the Standard, the DPC needs to be
            associated with the Cannabis plant life cycle   supported to make the necessary changes, after which
            that are relevant to its operations.          a new external review should take place.

            All cultivated Cannabis should be subjected
            to testing prior to distribution to members,  Continuous improvement
            to ensure that the Club maintains a high
            cultivation standard and that the needs       The Club should make use of a Corrective Action
            of their members are being met.               Reporting System to ensure that problems are identified,
                                                          solved and that preventive measures are put in place to
                                                          prevent the incident from repeating itself.

    Social Responsibility Of The Dagga Private Club

    internal Community         external Community Development
                    Development                           The DPC also has a responsibility to its immediate

            Dagga Private Clubs must educate              external community. Although the DPC will be a non-
            their members upon approval of their          profit company, it may happen that it records a profit.
            membership and continuously throughout        This profit can be reinvested towards the development
            their membership experience. Clubs must       of the internal community, or donated to a charitable
            ensure that they educate their members        cause that the Club adopts. The Club must contribute
            on their human rights as it relates to the    towards their adopted cause either in the form of
            cultivation and consumption of Cannabis.      financial support or physical labour that the charitable
            Members must also be educated on              establishments may need. Members should partake in
            responsible usage, harm reduction and the     these endeavours and management has an obligation
            botanical aspects of the Cannabis plant. The   to ensure that social development takes place.
            Club must act as an information Hub to its
            members, in order to develop and grow the     Dagga Private Clubs are not to be positioned with
            internal community.                           commercial usage. It is a community enhancement
                                                          project, with Cannabis central to its operations. These
                                                          institutions are not designed to be accessible to any
                                                          person, but rather, it is formed between people who
                                                          all know and trust each other. DPCs are the first and
                                                          easiest way to eliminate the black market.

           64        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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