Page 110 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 110

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            Similar to co-operatives, Cannabis Hubs are the    Two types of Hubs should be regulated:
            core of the commercial pillar of the regulation
            model. Hubs are local, decentralised and           Type a: Open Hubs.
            democratic/horizontal enforcement platforms        Open Hubs are the generic and likely the most
            that take care of quality control, pricing, crop   common type of Hubs. They are accessible to any
            certification, tax collection, anonymous auctions,   operation located in the area covered by the Hub.
            warehousing, and management of by-products.
            Hubs implement policies on the ground by           Type B: legacy Hubs.
            offering services required by the regulations.     Legacy Hubs provide for specific admission
                                                               rules based on geographical and/or traditional
            Hubs are overseen by the Office of the Cannabis    knowledge-related standard-compliance criteria.
            OmBUDsman  with inputs from the relevant           This allows Legacy Hubs to provide services
            government departments / regulatory authorities.   for citizens representing very specific types of
            At this stage it is unclear which government       cultivation, processing, or other activities related
            departments would oversee what, but a good         to Cannabis. Legacy Hubs can also apply for
            example would be Industrial Cannabis Hubs          specific legal protections.
            overseen by the Department of Agriculture.
            The Cannabis OmBUDsman would need to               All Hubs provide 6 mandatory services:
            work closely with the relevant government          1.  Registering affiliates;
            departments in order to look after the interests    2.  Quality control and basic product analysis;
            of consumers, cultivators and traders.
                                                               3.  Establishing product-labelling protocols,
            Hubs are organised in order to provide services       traceability and basic required indications of
            to Cannabis operations of the “Commercial Pillar”     source/ origin in labels;
            (standard operations and Kasinomics), but must     4.  Basic training and education;
            implement specific and simplified processes        5.  Tax/VAT collection;
            for Kasinomics in order to attract the current     6.  Transaction of trade between Hubs;
            non-regulated market. Provision for ongoing
            knowledge sharing within the Hub should also be    All Hubs can choose to provide optional services,
            a significant attraction for industry participants to   according to their needs:
            strive for optimum performance.                    7.  Advanced product analysis;

            All Hubs can service both growers and seed-        8.  Advanced training;
            to-sale operations, either buying the crop and     9.  Standard packaging;
            paying the growers (with tax/VAT deduction when    10. Anonymous auctions;
            applicable) for the former, or analysing, certifying
            the crop, and collecting tax/VAT when applicable,   11.  Warehousing;
            and giving back the products, for the latter.      12. Non-psychoactive wastes and by-products
            The current pricing structure within the           13.  Register of Collective marks and related IP
            unregulated market is an adequate starting point      protections (anti-misleading source);
            for a legal market (See Section on Trade).
            It is what Cannabis consumers are used to and      14. Collective and equitable share benefits from
            no attempt should be made to regulate pricing         natural and genetic resources (anti-biopiracy
            beyond what the market dictates. It goes without      & abusive bioprospecting);
            question that prices will come down due to a glut   15.  Collective organisation of cultivation (Farmers
            in the market and consumers being permitted           Cooperative);
            to cultivate for personal use; however this could   16. Community-based restrictions to access.
            be compensated for by the application of VAT.
            There will always be a wide range of Cannabis      Legacy Hubs may decide to become enforcement
            consumers in South Africa, as the current price    platforms for collective rights linked to local
            range demonstrates.                                traditional knowledge, traditional cultural

           66        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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