Page 115 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 115

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            5.2.2  Cultivation


                       CERTIFICA-                                                         BY-

                          TION                                                       PRODUCTS


                        HOUSING                                                          TAX



            The way in which Cannabis production  Kasinomics Growers
            is to be allowed, and the mechanisms by
            which production will link to supply, are     So-called “Kasinomics” growers are small-scale farmers
            foundational elements of any regulatory       whose Cannabis products would typically be used
            framework.                                    privately by the grower or their community, or sold
            The process of licensing the cultivation      in generally small quantities as a source of essential
            of Cannabis is not appropriate in South       income. Historic, cultural, religious or traditional
            Africa, because production must be open       consumers may seek out products that are grown
            to any willing market participant (company,   accordingly and this would be the customer base of
            individual or collective) who fulfils         these informal traders. Considerations may, therefore,
            regular criteria for business registration    need to be given to any constitutional rights that may
            and / or affiliation to a Hub, which can      potentially override any “new” Cannabis regulations.
            serve as a de facto licence: A simple and     Regulating, taxing or monitoring such use or sales may
            accessible manner for all South Africans –    prove challenging, as these products might not enter
            including thousands of citizens previously    into a formal marketplace or recognised supply chain.
            disadvantaged by the prohibition of           Traditional, artisanal, craft or small-scale growers need
            Cannabis – to have REAL opportunities to      a specific model of regulation fit for purpose. This
            enter the formal economy.                     existing informal market is a major factor that sets South
                                                          Africa apart from other countries that have moved

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  71
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