Page 114 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 114

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

    Legacy Hubs                               Rights Commission (CIPC) and internationally
                                                               via the Madrid System of trademark registration.
            Geographic areas or groups of people who produce   Protection of a collective mark can also be
            very special Cannabis – a specific area, a cultural   achieved through recognition as a Geographical
            identity, historical cultivation and/or transformation   Indication, as per the World Trade Organization
            practices, local endemic genotypes/phenotypes,     TRIPS Agreement . Both are international legal
            or any specific traditional knowledge or traditional   instruments to which South Africa has access.
            cultural expression producing significantly
            remarkable and distinctinctive Cannabis or         14.  Protections From Bioprospecting
            Cannabis products from their crops – can choose    Hubs can collectively enjoy the fair and equitable
            to restrict access to their Hub and this is called a   sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation
            Legacy Hub.                                        of natural and genetic resources linked to their
            Legacy Hubs allow for an enhanced level of         community. This would allow local communities
            protection in order to safeguard the community     to seek protection from biopiracy by using
            heritage, while providing tools to enable          international bioprospecting regulations and
            competitive participation in legal markets. Legacy   treaties that are already in place. One example of
            Hubs can upscale to a farming cooperative and      this is via the dispositions of the Nagoya Protocol
            provide for specific admission rules based on      to the Convention on Biological Diversity (refer
            geographical and/or legacy standards-compliance    back to Section 4). It offers greater legal certainty
            criteria. They can also opt in for community legal   and transparency for both providers and users of
            protections, such as collective marks, geographical   genetic resources, to create incentives to conserve
            indications and protections of local genetic and   biological diversity, sustainably use its components,
            natural resources. Legacy Hubs will also likely    and further enhance the contribution of biological
            offer the possibility of certifying the crops as “fair   diversity to sustainable development and human
            trade” in the future, increasing economic potential   wellbeing .
            and recognition for the farmers. The Traditions
            Bureau of the Office of the OmBUDsman grants       15.  Farmers Cooperative
            Legacy status to Hubs on the basis of documented   Hubs can also choose to organise the cultivation
            legacy Cannabis knowledge. Documentation of        of Cannabis collectively via the establishment of
            traditional Cannabis knowledge includes writing,   cooperatives, a model that has existed in the South
            picture taking, video recording or anything that   African agricultural industry for decades. The
            preserves it in an accessible form. Depending      choice for a legacy Hub to become, additionally,
            on how the documentation is carried out, it can    a farmers cooperative requires careful attention
            promote or damage a community’ interests,          being paid to IP protection.
            unless an adequate IP strategy is in place.  The
            documentation should be created in a manner
            that reflects community traditions, promoting      16.  Closed membership
            intergenerational knowledge sharing, which is      In order to give effect to either IP protection or
            created and held collectively.                     the cooperative model, legacy Hubs are allowed
                                                               to establish a list of criteria required to access
            13.  Collective Branding                           membership of the Hub. These community-
                                                               based restrictions to access allow legacy Hubs to
            Hubs may establish brands that can be used         restrict the sharing of benefits from local genetic
            collectively by the affiliates of the Hub. This    resources, to enforce standards linked to traditional
            could be the registration of Collective marks and   cultivation or processing (in the case of collective
            related IP protections. This allows Legacy Hubs    marks and GIs) or restrict access to farmers within
            to access national protection for their collective   the geographical reach of a cooperative.
            mark via the Companies and Intellectual Property

           70        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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