Page 116 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 116

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            towards regulating adult use of Cannabis. As       Standard growers’ environmental responsibility
            well as reductions in criminality and corruption,   and sustainability needs to be central in the
            there is large potential for increases in income   regulated cultivation operations. All standard
            and economic opportunities for some already        Cannabis farmers in South Africa should
            marginalised populations, if regulations are       be encouraged to grow outdoors and/or in
            adapted to their situation. There is also an urgent   greenhouses, with a minimum of chemical
            need to recognise the rich popular knowledge       fertilisers and grow mediums.
            linked to informal markets, often linked with legacy
            folklore and/or specific genetics of the Cannabis   Important points are:
            plant, which all deserve protection.               •  Recordkeeping
                                                                 Records must be kept for all application
            Traditional production and producers must be         of fertilisers, as well as pesticides. It is
            protected and specially regulated in any reform,     recommended to prioritise the application of
            and included in the value chain from the beginning   the principles of integrated pest management
            with a softer set of minimum requirements.           (IPM) for the phytosanitary care of the plants.
            This is why the minimum requirements include         Only duly authorised phytosanitary products
            annual affiliation, quality control and labelling. The   (biological and chemical) can be used,
            Kasinomic sector can benefit from much lower         and according to the recommendations of
            levels of controls than standard businesses.         dose, waiting time, and limits of maximum
                                                                 residue. The records must detail all necessary
            To increase de-centralisation and self regulation,
            Kasinomic growers can collectively organise within   information (i.e. plant identification, dates
            a cooperative. Craft Cannabis farmers belonging      and method of application, formula and
            to a cooperative could therefore benefit from        concentration of the fertiliser/ pesticide,
            common resources such as equipment, seed, etc.       commercial name and batch number of the
                                                                 product, etc.)
            In addition, the Hub (which is a mandatory         •  Cultivation Methods
            step before retail) provides other resources like    All cultivators and traders must state clearly,
            training and access to the office of the Cannabis    when processing their crops at the Hub,
            OmBUDsman. As seen before Cannabis farmers           whether the plants were grown indoors or
            can also organise a cooperative within a Hub         outdoors and what grow mediums were used.
            (Legacy Hubs).                                     •  Energy
                                                                 All large-scale indoor growing must ideally
                                                                 use renewable energy sources – current best
    Standard Growers                            technology ie. biodigester, solar or wind power.

            Larger-scale farms that grow adult-use Cannabis      South Africa does not have enough electricity
            products will need to comply with existing           resources to accommodate an expanding indoor
            regulatory protocols (ERP) and have a registered     industry.
            business and tax number. Existing agricultural     •  Environmental Impact
            legislation, development programmes, and             Good environmental practices should be used
            subsidies will need to be considered when            as marketing and encouraged on all levels of
            defining parameters that may apply to large-scale    production. Environmental impact assessments
            production.                                          must be a requirement for the establishment of
                                                                 large cultivation operations.
            Calling this part of the model “standard” growers or   •  Education
            cultivation, emphasises the fact that these growers   Proper botanical, horticultural and ecological
            should tend to comply with all usual standards       education must be provided for those with a
            used in similar agricultural sectors, unlike the     history of questionable environmental practices.
            Kasinomics model which should be subject to a        Prohibition necessitated some such practices.
            lesser extent of regulations.
                                                                 For example: Cultivators were forced up into
            Standard commercial farmers would typically          steep hillsides and Cannabis plants grown on
            be part of the system of Hubs and operate on a       slopes have led to soil erosion.
            business-to-business model via the Hub.

           72        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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