Page 121 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 121

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            5.3  Health Uses (Conventional Medicine Pillar)

            This proposal does not outline any regulations for   Operation Of The Medicines Act”, followed by
            medicinal use, because South Africa already has    an official press release on the 27th May 2019.
            bodies like SAHPRA who have shown appetite for     This was followed by a high court application
            regulating and controlling the medicinal market    launched by the Traditional and Natural Healers
            of this plant. All producers who choose to claim   Association in December 2018 to review the 2017
            that their product is for medical use should  be   scheduling of CBD as a Schedule 4 medicine,
            regulated through existing SAHPRA regulations.     and which threatened to eliminate all CBD and
            However, this area should be carefully considered   CBD-containing products then sold on the
            in consultation with the existing non-regulated    market. CBD can now be prescribed by a doctor,
            producers of Cannabis medicine, as that is         and if the dose is less than a certain threshold, a
            where the local expertise lies. The traditional    prescription is not needed. This resulted in the
            medical uses, combined with standardisation        explosion of CBD products currently seen on the
            and research that supports the medicinal claims    market.
            of Cannabis products, are what sets this sector of
            the Cannabis industry apart.                       Traditional producers/cultivators that provide
                                                               to traditional healers are not subject to these
            According to the 1992 Drugs Act, Cannabis was      medical industry regulations, but rather
            a Schedule 7 drug but the South Africa Health      regulations for Kasinomics cultivation (see
            Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) decided     section, the mandatory certification via a
            to drop the classification to Schedule 4 in 2017.    Hub and retail through a traditional healer (see
            Towards the end of May 2019, South African         section All citizens have the choice to
            Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA)      use a medically certified, “pharmaceutical-type”
            gazetted a regulatory notice titled “Exemption     product or to self medicate with a product from
            Of Certain Cannabidiol Products From The           other sources.

            5.3.1  Registered Medicines

            The Medicines and Related Substances Act           testing on Cannabis, in order to provide some
            101 of 1965  speaks to the requirements of         much-needed, updated research on the plant
            registering a substance as a recognised and        and its properties. This research can address
            approved medicine. This act governs the            the difficulties in linking certain elements
            operations of bodies such as the South African     of the Cannabis plant (terpene profile; levels
            Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA)      of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids; strain;
            and the Health Professional Council of South       cultivation method; etc.) to treat certain diseases
            Africa (HPCSA), addressing the process from        or ailments. This can in turn be absorbed into
            its formulation up to the patient receiving their   the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of
            medicine. The UN Vote on 3 December 2020,          1965, to allow medical professionals to prescribe
            deleting Cannabis and Cannabis Resin from          effective Cannabis-based medicines to treat the
            Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on       intended condition.
            Narcotic Drugs  will enable countries to conduct

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  77
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