Page 122 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 122

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            5.3.2  Wellness Products

            Cannabis as a wellness product encompasses         access to safe wellness Cannabis products.
            various uses for Cannabis, from using it as a      Since the publishing of the Government gazette
            relaxant to including it as an addition to a medical   announcing the rescheduling of CBD , we have
            regime, without the need for a pharmaceutical      seen a huge increase in CBD wellness products
            product. Wellness products can range from          on the market. Wellness products should also
            ingestible Cannabis products to capsules,          be allowed for distribution within Dagga Private
            topicals, soaps and other cosmetic products.       Clubs. Education around the safe use of wellness
            As explained at the end of Section 4, currently    products and best practices regarding processing
            “standard and wellness” use of Cannabis is most    of such products are the two areas in which
            wide spread in SA. This begs for the market to     urgent attention is needed.
            be opened up to adult users in order to allow

            5.3.3  Traditional Use (Medicine)

            Traditional medicine can be defined as the use     because Cannabis cultivation and use forms an
            of indigenous plants, animals, organic and/or      integral part of their religious traditions, yet they
            inorganic derived materials and substances for     have continued to be profiled and victimised
            preventative and therapeutic purposes.  The        by law enforcement. Despite the Constitutional
            use of traditional medicine in South Africa and    Court ruling meant to protect Cannabis users
            across the world plays an important role in not    and growers, Fields of Green for ALL are aware
            only providing affordable localised healthcare,    of an incident where a member of the Rasta
            but also to maintain a sense of cultural identity   community was beaten to death by the police in
            in an era of modern day medicine, driven by the    front of his family. The case is ongoing but we are
            pharmaceutical industry.                           yet to hear of any justice served for this heinous
                                                               crime. 19
            For thousands of years Cannabis has been used
            as a traditional medicine in South Africa (see     Using the Six Ethical Principles outlined in Section
            Section 2: Background, History and Context)        4, the South African government should not
            and will continue to do so for generations to      only seek to include traditional healers and their
            come. South Africa has a large community           medicine into Cannabis regulations, but should
            of traditional healers who are fully integrated    actively promote their importance in our society
            into African culture and Cannabis forms part       as well as increase capacity building for healers
            of their medicinal repertoire.  The Rastafarian    through training and support.
            community is one that needs special mention

           78        CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
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