Page 118 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 118
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
These retail outlets could decide to allow • The different methods of using Cannabis and
consumption onsite or not. Insight into the Cannabis products;
existing regulation of tobacco and alcohol • Clinical effects of Cannabis on the human
products would be valuable in identifying what body and how THC affects the consumer;
does and doesn’t work, so that we may apply a • Understanding law enforcement’s role and
practical and responsible approach in terms of compliance checks;
accountability for the distribution of Cannabis
products. • Preventing the use of Cannabis by minors –
training around laws and penalties. Criminal
Retailers who wish to own the entire seed-to-sale sanctions will apply to retailers who sell
process of Cannabis plant materials and products Cannabis to minors.
(artisanal, craft or large-scale growers who
produce products for either industrial or adult Kasinomics would not be subject to other
use) could also be allowed to integrate a retail regulations applying to “standard retailers”,
outlet into their business model. Membership but would be trained and incentivised to
of a Hub should be made attractive for retailers progressively scale up their capacities towards
so that they can utilise the services and be an integration into the standard retail model, if
accountable for best practice. the Kasinomics stakeholders so wish. The aim of
this model is to cater to the needs of our existing
The realities of the ongoing underground Cannabis market and must not be seen as forcing
tobacco trade, government tender irregularities the Kasinomics sector to comply. The aim is to
and fishing licensing corruption are valuable ensure a quality product for the end consumer.
lessons in what mistakes not to repeat. Only
by engaging in a constructive manner with
all interested parties can we begin to create Authorised Retail For
proactive and sound solutions. Any law can be Traditional Healers
written, but it is the implementation thereof
that is the true test. This is why this three-tiered Due to the difficulty of including traditional and
approach for retail (standard retail, Kasinomics, complementary medicine (TCM) in conventional
and traditional healers) appears the most likely medicines, a proper system that provides access
to cover all existing supply and open the door to and availability to Cannabis medicines must be
legal markets for all current and future Cannabis established. These systems should operate in
entrepreneurs. conventional health systems through existing
regulatory bodies, such as SAHPRA. We address
this section later in the document and we look Kasinomics “Street” Retail forward to input from the Department of Health
and traditional healers’ organisations on this
Small-scale growers and distributors who form issue.
part of an internal supply chain would still be
required to submit their products to the Hub and The characteristics of the herbal materials used
comply with standards, certifications, tax and by traditional healers are closer related to those
quality control regulations to ensure the safety of adult-use products, compared to those of the
of end users. conventional pharmaceutical sector. Therefore,
TCM-related health uses of Cannabis would fall
Programs of education and training for under the production and retail regulations
Kasinomics “street” retailers must be created, corresponding to “adult use”. Traditional healers
and include basic training on: could become authorised retailers either by
• Laws and regulations related to the use of registering with an existing Hub (under the
Cannabis; Kasinomics category of regulations, see above) or
• Basic training about the plant, and medicine by forming their own dedicated Hubs, following
and products that can be made from the “Legacy Hub” model.
• The different cultivars of Cannabis;
74 CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform