Page 123 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 123

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

           5.4  Industrial Uses (Hemp Pillar)

           Hemp has been a historical agricultural crop    1.  Products not made for human or animal
           for thousands of years. Hemp oil and seeds are     consumption (e.g.: clothes, concrete, batteries, plastic);
           used for food and feed, while its fibre is used for   2.  Products made for human or animal consumption,
           clothing, cement, plastic, paper and more. It can   but not for the purposes related to its psychoactive
           be a locally used commodity to provide food,       effects (e.g.: hemp seed oil, hemp protein and other
           clothing and housing, among many other uses. 20    food stuff);

           When revisiting its Cannabis policies, South    3.  Products made for human or animal consumption
           Africa must also consider the agro-economic        and for its psychoactive effects (e.g.: adult-use
           opportunities that hemp-type Cannabis cultivation   Cannabis,, medical Cannabis, CBD products,
           can provide. Globally, Industrial Cannabis is      pharmaceutical products etc.).
           cultivated in more than 30 countries and there   While hemp has often been used to designate the first
           are thousands of products that can be developed   two purposes, there are also some who consider that
           from hemp, encompassing business sectors        the production of “CBD products” enters within the
           like construction materials, food, paper, plastics,   concept of “hemp”. To get on the tracks of evidence-
           polymers, textiles, technical lubricants and even   based policies, it is more reasonable to adopt the
           bioenergy. The demand for industrial hemp       “distinction by purpose” principle, enacted in the 1961
           material means it could be farmed on a large,   Single Convention. This approach is not based on the
           commercial scale or could potentially act as a   mere psychoactivity of a plant or a product, but rather
           subsistence based crop for rural farming areas.  on the intention of using that plant/product for its
           The production of Industrial Cannabis in South   psychoactivity, or not.
           Africa should be easily facilitated after legalisation,   •  So-called “hemp” products corresponding to the
           given that there has been a research permit in     above-listed categories (i.) and (ii.) Would be labeled
           place for 20 years at least. It is our wish that the   “products with no psychoactivity-related purposes”
           findings of this research  aid the development     (NPP), otherwise known as “fibre-type” Cannabis;
           of a viable NPP Cannabis industry in the near   •  Cannabis products in category (iii.) destined for
           future . There are enough South African experts    purposes of “adult use and medical use” would be
           to do this . However it is important to recognise   labeled as “products with psychoactivity-related
           the need for hemp cultivation to develop under a   purposes” (WPP), otherwise known as “drug-type”
           regular, burdenless agricultural policy, not under   Cannabis.
           a sui generis Cannabis regulation policy, contrary
           to the other uses of the plant (adult uses, medical   Both NPP and WPP can actually include plants with
           uses). Experience has shown that hemp policies   potential psychoactive properties, the only criteria that
           that look more like drug policies than like wheat   should guide policymaking is the intention/purpose of
           cultivation rules, fail in all aspects .        use. The effective non-application of medical and adult-
                                                           use Cannabis laws, to hemp, will ensure its cultivation
           Scientifically, hemp is exactly the same plant   can unfold under a regulatory framework similar to
           as “marijuana”. “Dagga”, “ganja”, “hemp” or     that of any other agricultural crop. However, several
           “marijuana” all refer to the same botanical genus   elements need to be considered, in particular:
           and all its varieties: Cannabis sativa L. Hemp is   a.  Evidence-based THC threshold or other method to
           only the vernacular name that has been used to     distinguish a “hemp-type” growing Cannabis plant
           designate the products of the Cannabis plant       from a “medical/adult use-type” plant;
           that are not destined to purposes related to its
           psychoactive effects (and by extension to the   b.  Threshold or other method to distinguish a “hemp-
           crops destined to manufacturing these products).   type” Cannabis product from a “medical/ adult use-
           The concept of “hemp” is hard to apply to policy   type” product;
           making, because it relies on a popular designation   c.  A policy enforcement avoiding barriers and
           rather than on an evidence-based one. The three    limitations, and normalising hemp as regular
           main categories of products made from the          agricultural crop with no penalties for “hot hemp”
           Cannabis plant are:                                containing more than the anticipated levels of THC.

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  79
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